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All categories - 21 May 2007

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i was also wondering if i could put my betta fish in if so would it be ok to put him with angel/gold/ sucker fishes

2007-05-21 08:21:31 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Fish

2007-05-21 08:21:13 · 46 answers · asked by elfkin, attention whore 4 in Religion & Spirituality

My land lord is an evil man....no end to his henious ways. However, I'm moving very shortly. I'm considering the following: I'd like to line all of the streetpoles down my block with signs that say "Don't Rent 123 ***** Ave."
I'd like them to face away from the house on both sides, so that any prospective tenants would see a row of signs no matter which way they approached. I'm also considering asking the adjoining neighbor (who has a new 6 foot fence at the egde of the property) if I'd be able to post a sign on a pole about eight feet off the ground and about 8 feet inside his propety line, that says the same thing.
Before you ask: yes, I paid my rent on time, we're quiet, clean tenants, and I don't consider myself a troublemaker by nature. What are the legal ramifications of an act like this?

2007-05-21 08:21:10 · 7 answers · asked by Jay Lew 3 in Law & Ethics

2007-05-21 08:21:09 · 9 answers · asked by sunshine 1 in History

My son is 2 1/2 wks old and has really dry skin. His arm and legs are also starting to peel. I use Johnsons baby lotion. And put it on him after he takes a bath and sometimes after I change his diapers.

Is this normal?

Is there any specific type of lotion I could use?

And is this something I should worry about?

2007-05-21 08:21:06 · 18 answers · asked by jmmartinez86 1 in Newborn & Baby

2007-05-21 08:21:00 · 6 answers · asked by SGTDESANTIAGO 4 in Mathematics

Once a doctor had a very unfortunate patient. He was forever suffering from headaches and if there was a bug going around he caught it without doubt.
One night at 1 in the morning the doctor recieved a phonecall in bed. The doctor answered, it was his patient, "Doctor Doctor!! I think I have constipation what do I do?"
"I am sleepin but make an appointment tomorrow" said the doctor. From this moment on the doctor always recieved a phone call in the early hours of every morning from the patient complaining of illness until fortunatley he died. Even though he shouldnt be the doctor felt slightly relieved until he got ran over by a bus the next day.
By coincedence the doctor was buried next to his unfortunate patient. it wasnt until the early hours of the morning when the doctor heard a tapping on the side of his coffin
"Doctor Doctor! Do u have something for worms!!??"

2007-05-21 08:20:48 · 6 answers · asked by angel eyez xx 6 in Jokes & Riddles

My son has been a vegetarian for one month, like me (but I don't have dairy products either, my son does). My ex-husband lives 4 hours away and sees his son every 3 weeks. This summer he is with him for 6 weeks. My son tells me he eats McDonalds, ham, steak, and pork at Daddys.

I have tried to talk to my mental case ex-husband, but he just tells me "He eats what we eat!"

What could I do?

2007-05-21 08:20:45 · 26 answers · asked by DrPepper 6 in Vegetarian & Vegan

You can just answer,

The three religions agree on one basic fact: Both women and men are created by God, The Creator of the whole universe.

However, disagreement starts soon after the creation of the first man, Adam, and the first woman, Eve. The Judaeo-Christian conception of the creation of Adam and Eve is narrated in detail in Genesis (2:4-24).

God prohibited both of them from eating the fruits of the forbidden tree. The serpent seduced Eve to eat from it and Eve, in turn, seduced Adam to eat with her.

When God rebuked Adam for what he did, he put all the blame on Eve,

"The woman you put here with me --she gave me some fruit from the tree and I ate it."(Genesis, 3: 12).

Consequently, God said to Eve:

"I will greatly increase your pains in childbearing; with pain you will give birth to children. Your desire will be for your husband and he will rule over you." (Genesis, 3: 16).

To Adam He said:

"Because you listened to your wife and ate from the tree of which I forbideen you to eat, “ Cursed is the ground because of you; through painful toil you will eat of it all the days of your life..." (Genesis, 3: 17).

The Islamic conception of the first creation is found in several places in the Qur’an, for example:

"O Adam dwell with your wife in the Garden and enjoy as you wish but approach not this tree or you run into harm and transgression. Then Satan whispered to them in order to reveal to them their shame that was hidden from them and he said: 'Your Lord only forbade you this tree lest you become angels or such beings as live forever.' And he swore to them both that he was their sincere adviser. So by deceit he brought them to their fall: when they tasted the tree their shame became manifest to them and they began to sew together the leaves of the Garden over their bodies. And their Lord called unto them: 'Did I not forbid you that tree and tell you that Satan was your avowed enemy?' They said: 'Our Lord we have wronged our own souls and if You forgive us not and bestow not upon us Your Mercy, we shall certainly be lost' " (7:19:23).

A careful look into the two accounts of the story of the Creation reveals some essential differences.

The Qur’an, contrary to the Bible, places equal blame on both Adam and Eve for their mistake. Nowhere in the Qur’an can one find even the slightest hint that Eve tempted Adam to eat from the tree or even that she had eaten before him. Eve in the Qur’an is no temptress, no seducer, and no deceiver. Moreover, Eve is not to be blamed for the pains of childbearing. God, according to the Qur’an, punishes no one for another's faults. Both Adam and Eve committed a sin and then asked God for forgiveness and He forgave them both.

2007-05-21 08:20:39 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

I need to find an audio/video system. Is it possible to have one with closed captioning? Is there a system that can automatically transcribe when the cd or dvd is put in instead of having a transcriber to do the transcribing? The system is for a professional business (no medical business).

2007-05-21 08:20:28 · 2 answers · asked by DoUKnowJesus? 2 in Other - Computers

I've been unemployed for a little over a month now and have sent several resumes to various potential employers online, but all I ever get back are sales job leads some of which I'm sure are bogus. Is monster.com, careerbuilders.com, hotjobs.com etc for real?

2007-05-21 08:20:27 · 7 answers · asked by got2bme 1 in Other - Careers & Employment

2007-05-21 08:20:22 · 7 answers · asked by Huh 5 in Jokes & Riddles

I just read a purgatory question and someone used this scripture (along with others).

This is what my Bible says:
Luke 12:57-59

57 Settle Your Problems

"Why can't you decide for yourselves what is right? 58 If your enemy is taking you to court, try hard to settle it on the way. If you don't, your enemy might take you to the judge, and the judge might turn you over to the officer, and the officer might throw you into jail. 59 I tell you, you will not get out of there until you have paid everything you owe."

Anyone's thoughts on this how it can be about purgatory and not settling your problems? Just wondering?

2007-05-21 08:20:20 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

Cold War

2007-05-21 08:20:10 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in History

Can a society become more Muslim in its demographic character without also becoming more Muslim in its political and civil character?

2007-05-21 08:19:57 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

...for there is neither Jew nor Greek, slave or free, male or female...in Christ we are one.

So, with that said...
Why all the divisions?

Why do fundies think Jews are going to hell?

Why do fundies feel that women should not be preachers?

Why do fundies feel that homosexuality is a sin...if God does not see male or female..how can he see gay or straight?

Aren't we all "one" in Christ?

2007-05-21 08:19:13 · 7 answers · asked by G.C. 5 in Religion & Spirituality

2007-05-21 08:18:56 · 2 answers · asked by Dr. Idika M 1 in Infectious Diseases

In a late 2006 UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) report entitled "Livestock's Long Shadow" it indicated that the livestock industry generates approximately 18% of the world's greenhouse gasses. According to the FAO report, the livestock industry generated 1.4 percent of the world's gross domestic product and provided food and income for nearly one billion of the world's poorest people in 2005. For every 100 metric tons of protien livestock provides, they consume 133 metric tons. Scientists now know that those 19 million metric tons of protien that are lost during consumption ferment in the stomach and later are released as the greenhouse gas methane.

So... I guess we need to drastically reduce the cow population in the world to "save the planet"... sorry PETA.. gotta kill em'... saving the planet you know. Oh, and whats a billion of the poorest people really worth anyhow? I say kill the industry... to do our part of course. What do you think?

2007-05-21 08:18:55 · 29 answers · asked by Mr. Perfect 5 in Global Warming

My family doesnt have a car.. yet. But occasionally i go out with friend/family with my daughter (16 months) and we get lifted here and there. I am thinking of getting a car seat anyway for her safety, because you never know what might happen.

But I just want to know if we are legally required to have one. If so, who is responsible, the driver or the parent/guardian?

In addition I will obviously need to take the seat in and out of each car journey so i will need to buy a light one.

2007-05-21 08:18:50 · 20 answers · asked by Chimera's Song 6 in Safety

that was not there before the war. Now he is begging other countries to step up and help out in Afghanistan because we are bogged down in the terror training ground that Bush himself created? How is this an efficient way to fight terror? If we had stayed in Afghanistan instead, Al-qeada would not be in Iraq, and we would have destroyed the Taliban. Instead we are fighting the war on 2 fronts, and we re-ignited a civil war between 2 groups that have been killing each other for 1400 years. I just don't see how this is making us any safer. I know we cannot pull out of Iraq now, but we have to deal with Bush and his "stay the losing course" mentality. Otherswise we are just spinning our wheels while the terrorists move on to other countries, including our own. i.e. the New jersey 6. short of Impeaching Bush, what can we do?

2007-05-21 08:18:50 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

I do not know how to explain this feeling but some Christians have always filled me with this insidious feeling of something very evil and very dark behind the religion itself. Please note I am not saying this about all Christians I know some wonderful ones from all denominations.

It is mostly those responses relying on circular logic, threats about repenting and hell fire. The way they treat homosexuality and other religions (they automatically worship Satan) as well as the anti-science approach. I just find it repugnant to my senses. But it is not just that it is the whole attitude and approach to many things.

Actually reading the Bible thoroughly and studying Christian history helps to reinforce these feelings. It is like there is light in this world and pure truth somewhere but Christianity will try to destroy it should it ever surface and it lacks this same light and truth although it may have some seeds of it. Does anyone understand this "feeling".

2007-05-21 08:18:45 · 21 answers · asked by The_Slasher_of_Veils 2 in Religion & Spirituality


If i need a specifichair tool like rollers leave a good brand smae thing with a curling iron a specific good brand.

SO how can i make my curls like that?

2007-05-21 08:18:45 · 6 answers · asked by pinkx713 1 in Hair

Would there be any questions you would ask yourself? Techniques to help? I am just curious because I'm kind of lost-I'm undecided on everything- career/religion/college major/values/beliefs/you name it

2007-05-21 08:18:26 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Psychology

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