I'm thoroughly convinced that we would.
After browsing atheist web sites/forums and even questions asked on this web site, I realize today the utter hatred for God in so many people.
They are convinced they are arguing in the non-existence of God, yet they speak of him as though he were their worst enemy.
I don't argue that there are no unicorns in existence today, but if I was to argue, it wouldn't come with an implied hatred for unicorns or people that believed in them (this may sound silly to some but really give it some thought).
We surely would crucify Christ today. Christians, if you are hated: remember they hated Christ first before they hated you.
This is not about winning and argument; please, by all means tear my argument to shreds. If my words (God's words) touch one heart than this post was worth it.
Friends, let's keep an open mind. Do some research. Read His Word. Please, search for God, he is searching for you. =P
30 answers
asked by
Billy E
Religion & Spirituality