Do you agree?
If prostitution was legal then some of the men that just want sex can go and get it there. They don't have to lie and pretend to like a girl, saving the girl the trouble.
If prostitution was legal, then women that choose to do this can have legal protection.
It will also lower STDs/HIV transfer.
the states can collect more taxes
Most importantly, men don't have to stay frustrated because of a cold streak in their love lives! It is so unfair that women can get sex whenever they want but men can't.
Degrade women? Please...have you ever talked to a prostitute? It's all about making money. There's no morals involved. Morals should not be in laws anyway because everybody has different moral standards. Working as a janitor is degrading! Why dont we make that profession illegal? Telemarketing is degrading! But they still call you dont they?
Why do u care what someone else chooses to do with her body? R u her mom/dad?
38 answers
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Law & Ethics