Ok, I have a 4 year old a 2 year old. Both of them have alloted times during they day that they watch cartoons. Just hearing that I have had several people look down on me and judge me for that, I'm assuming because they think they are being "raised" by the television. They couldn't be more wrong.
Back in the day we didn't have educational cartoons. We had Bugs Bunny and all of those, sheer violence and it was fun! Nowadays it's different. There are so many educational cartoons for our children. For example, my son is 4 and can speak more Spanish that I ever have been able to. He knows his numbers up to 30 and can recognize them all. He has a large vocabulary and does school work at a 1st grade level. My 2 year old also has a large vocabulary, knows her colors, all of her body parts, can count to 30 and is already learning to recognize her ABC's.
I work with them every chance I get, I teach them about everything they see. So tell me...what is so bad about cartoons?
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