I have been taking about 21 Tylenol PM minimum a day for the past few years. I've noticed that it is easy for a pimple to get infected and actually turn into a boil. One time I had one on my head and I popped it. There was a good amount of blood flow, enough to cause a constant trickle. I got a towel to try and stop the bleeding, but it keep on going. I was freaking out.
Paramedics were called and they got it under control. I ended up going to the emergency room, and while I was waiting there with my sisters, my head suddenly started to spurt blood again, in front of all the others waiting. I never told the nurse or the doctor of my usage.I started taking them because my dad and also my sister's husband are the loudset snorers in the world. My room is next to both of them. Also, I worked a schedule that always changed. Sometimes, I had to work late, then arrive to work at 7am. So I would take some before eating dinner, and stay up watching TV till i was sleepy. Its now a necessity.
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