better than beth. i shouldn't be complaining against beth. she does have points against, which i don't like and don't find them appealing.
beth's cons
1 she hates sport
2 she's always busy
3 she's in africa
4 she never listens
5 she expects me to do everything
6 she never says what she means
7 she has never talked about my interests
8 i can't relate to her
9 i don't love her anymore
10 we have nothing common
cindi has loads of major pros
1 she likes sport
2 she will actually talk about sport
3 she's not the busy type
4 she's more talkative
5 she likes music more
6 she like what i like
7 i can relate to her
8 she's not the type to mess around
9 she doesn't moan
10 she's soon going back to america
my problem with beth is! we don't talk like we used too and she's in africa. i know she is currently in clinic with a broken leg, but i don't think i love her anymore. i am not sure what to do. i kinda feel distant from her!!!
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