Here is my story:
Hay un hombre. El hombre fue a Richard quien tenía una tintorería. El entró y en su mano llevaba una tela. Richard preguntó: "Qué color quiere?" "Un color no existe," dijo el hombre. "Qué?" preguntó Richard. "Es un color que no es rojo, no es anaranjado, no es amarillo, no es verde, no es azul, no es púrpura, no es café, no es *****, no es gris, y no es blanco." "Sí, sí," dijo Richard, "venga a buscarla en un día no existente." "Qué?" preguntó el hombre, "qué es un día no existente?"
It is supposed to mean in English:
"There was a man. The man went to Richard who had a dry cleaner service. He entered and in his hand he carried a fabric. Richard asked, "what color do you want?" "A color that doesn't exist," said the man. "What?" asked Richard. "It is a color that is not red...and is not white." "Yes, yes," said Richard, "I will go to seek it on a day that doesn't exist." "What?" asked the man, "What is a day that doesn't exist?"
Thank you!
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