the other day we went to the doctors - just for a regular check up - and she weighed and measured me and basically told me i'm overweight (using the BMI thingy). since then, my mum has made me join a gym (and i'm forced to go at least 5 times a week) and she has restricted my food. this totally sucks because all the exercise is making me more hungry and i have to scab food off my friends. also, i'm in year 10 this year, and all this going to the gym is really taking away my homework time!! most nights i stay up until 2:00 or 3:00 AM frantically finishing homework and assignments - i'm a straight A student and i really like to put effort into all my work which i can't do currently. it just made me feel so bad cause 3 days before going to the doctors, i had just braved enough courage to finally wear a bikini in public, and then she told me im fat. mums also freakin out i won't fit in the dress we had to buy as i'm bridesmaid for a wedding
i am approx. 165 cm and weigh 70kg what do i do?
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