Honestly, What is the point to an insurance company? They rape you of your money and god forbit you have that one accident, and go to make a claim, you most likely have to fight with them and if you get your way, more than likely they rape ya even more of your money. You pay alot for this crap, and when you need to use it, you should be able to get the money without putting up a fight or being raped more afterwards. It seems like a joke. Criminal is more like it. Rape us of our money then make us fight to use it. I can have a savings account and put all that money into it and get it without a fight. I hate insurance... and honestly if i ever got into an accident... i wouldn't tell them...Id just get raped of more $ most likely. There should be one rate across the board based on age, experience, vehicle, etc... not this $5000 from progressive then $1000 from geico. That is bull! But this is a screwed up world anyways.
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