I am not advocating terroist attacks in any way ,but thinking about this purley objectivly why have A Q not attacked the States since Sept 01 .If the 9/11 attacks were meant to bring terror and fear to the American ppl it can only work if there are sustained attacks in hospitals ,railway stns,airports ,shopping malls and any other public places that way the ppl are frigtned to go out there door ,the US economy will suffer,tourism will drop off and security services will be stretched .Governments will be under massive pressure and could even collapse ,but one attack (however horrendous it was) 6 years ago is not going to make any difference to anyone other than those who suffered in that attack ,as the rest of America will have moved on ,the attack will be just a bad memory .
Like I say I do not want to see this kind of horror brought to anyones doorstep ,but what exactly was the point of 9/11?
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