Currently, any semblance of stability in Iraq is depending on the presence of U.S. troops to keep order. Seeing that, the U.S. needs to keep involved until the entire situation is resolved. In essence, to leave now would be to crap and not wipe. Sure we can walk away, but we would walk with a squishy crack. That squishy crack would be an escalation is sectarian violence, and Iran noticing that Iraq was vulnerable; most likely they would invade. More than likely other countries would get involved, possibly even Israel. That's where the **** would hit the fan. Somewhere along the line, someone would end up using a nuke and the violence would continue to spread. Remnant Al Queda forces and surviving supporters of Sadaam Hussein would be in the perfect element to spread their hatred. More attacks on the U.S. and other countries would occur, and there would be nothing we could to to stop it. The Middle east would be in flames, followed by Europe and then Asia. Who's to say we won't be next?
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