My professor isn't teaching us from the book. He makes up his lectures as he goes and none of it makes since. This class is a Human Anatomy class yet all he's taught is chemistry. Which happens to be his favorite subject. I've already taken Chemistry and really need a good anatomy teacher. He's not even teaching chemistry right and he skips all over the place. To top it all off, he's a chauvinistic pig! He compares his lectures to having sex with women. I few people have thought about complaining to the college but they would rather wait until their out of his class, their concerned that if they complain that he'll give them a bad grade or even make to class more miserable. The college doesn't have another Bio teacher to even replace him with. I'm really fusterated because I really want to understand Human Anatomy since I'm trying to get into the Nursing program. And this teacher sucks! Please help, what should I do?
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