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All categories - 19 February 2007

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Kiera Knightly...or Amanda Bynes?

2007-02-19 17:24:03 · 10 answers · asked by Dave 6 in Polls & Surveys

I had 1995 grandam for years and had good luck with it even after it had 130,000 miles on it. I traded it in for an 01 and have had nothing but trouble. I have put quite a lot of money into it.

2007-02-19 17:24:02 · 7 answers · asked by seven-11 4 in GMC

i am going to be getting a paintball gun and i was just wondering if anybody knew of some good brands/models that are not cheap but not too expensive

2007-02-19 17:23:53 · 7 answers · asked by stix246 2 in Hobbies & Crafts

I've always compared the Maxima to a Honda Accord; but when I went to the Nissan dealership, he compared it to an Acura TL...I am not sure if this is true, or just sales talk, but what do you compare the Maxima to? And is it good for a 24 y/o? Or should I get something else?

2007-02-19 17:23:41 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Buying & Selling

to my PF contribution????i guess it will sstill be there and i can claim it?

2007-02-19 17:23:39 · 5 answers · asked by dev 1 in India

best answere as ""we have a choice"".


Then why do we cry, when some thing goes seriously wrong. For example -> The death of the only earning member in the family is a horror for the left behind 3 kids and his house wife-. For example -> What about the victims of the 9/11 attack-, For example -> what about the attack on the civilians along with the terrorist in the contries claimed to be a terrorist nations-.


2007-02-19 17:23:36 · 2 answers · asked by manoj g 1 in Politics


if I download itunes will it load onto my Mp4

2007-02-19 17:23:32 · 2 answers · asked by lollylegs 1 in PDAs & Handhelds

My boyfriend confined in me that he was not happy with his fraternity saying that he felt as though everyone hated him because they never include him in stuff and so fourth. I am very very good freinds with his brothers from always being with my BF and i called his "true" freind today and said listen you gotta talk to him and tell him that you guys really do care about him and want him around.... This guy went over to his place and was like Your gf told me you think we hate you..... and all of a sudden i was getting calls from my BF telling me i messed up big time that betrayed his trust... he never said to not say anything he just said he couldnt say anything beczu he didnt know how too... All i was trying to do was help and now he is on horrible terms with me....

how do i fix this?

2007-02-19 17:23:25 · 2 answers · asked by canthearu12 1 in Singles & Dating

2007-02-19 17:23:22 · 10 answers · asked by luv babygurl 3 in Celebrities

Caucasian dominant countries are usually the best countries. For example, the biggest immigration are in :

1. USA
3. Europe, Especially UK
4. Australia.


2007-02-19 17:23:19 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Society & Culture

I am pursuing my MBA in Marketing and have decided to do my final project in a telecom company. I need a similar project for reference. Please, if any body can, provide me with a project

2007-02-19 17:23:13 · 1 answers · asked by Abhi 1 in Higher Education (University +)

My teacher mentioned it in class, but refused to tell us what it stood for.

2007-02-19 17:23:10 · 19 answers · asked by crystalgoddess101 1 in Military

2007-02-19 17:22:55 · 17 answers · asked by Red Yeti 5 in Polls & Surveys

The answer should have only 6 characters with st_ _ _ _
Do you know what is it?

2007-02-19 17:22:42 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Jokes & Riddles

I have been friends with this guy for a year. The past few months he has been pursuing a relationship. He has told me he loves me, wants me to love him, can't stop thinking about me and he has written me several letters saying he can't stop loving me and wants more but doesn't want to pressure me. He speaks only Spanish, yet I speak English and Spanish so it works. I understand generally Latinos are generally more affectionate, he is always trying to kiss and hug and very touchy and has said "you are too beautiful for me" and "te amo" and "te quiero mucho" and I know "te amo" is pretty serious. I care about him SO much, and I fell for him a long time ago. I am saving myself for marriage so it concerned me because he isn't a virgin and I know it's hard to wait. I told him basically there was no chance of me having sex with him right now because I am waiting. He has told me over and over again that he isn't interested in my body or sex but loves my heart.

2007-02-19 17:22:41 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

i used a evenflo travel system with my now 6yr old because i received it as a gift but i wanna compare between evenflo, graco, and cosco because i wanna buy it myself but i don't know which brand is the better brand for the money??

2007-02-19 17:22:31 · 17 answers · asked by Meany 2 in Newborn & Baby

The poor things need trimming regularly and can never reach their full potential. Surely there are naturally small trees that can be selected for power line areas?

2007-02-19 17:22:30 · 13 answers · asked by q 3 in Garden & Landscape

What is the interest rate for offshore savings accounts. I want to know about the Cayman Islands, Switzerland Banks,etc. And how often is the interest allocated, like in the states, most savings accounts are 9% a year.

2007-02-19 17:22:26 · 3 answers · asked by ???? 2 in Personal Finance

i mean..im talking to my friends and they have one earphone on and they dont really seem to listen to you...even my girlfriend does it.

i dont mean to nag...but i just want to know if anybody else shares my...opinion...

2007-02-19 17:22:24 · 5 answers · asked by super_6ix_4our 3 in Etiquette

I keep get the error message "Cannot modify headers, output started at......." blah blah blah. I’m a newbie web designer, been working with asp, however am doing a site that is Linux based and using PHP. I have been playing with various scripts in PHP like newsletters and login scripts and various other things. No matter what kind of script it is, (in PHP) i get this error message and its driving me mad. Already setup database and alls connected, then the first time i try to use the script live or login as an admin then i get this b***** error message. I have been battling for a week now and am seriously considering forgetting that PHP and Linux ever existed, unless someone can help me out here. I read its a problem occurred from white space at top page in question, but I looked at that and it seems fine...I have been getting this same error with whatever PHP script I try to implement, please, please, please. I decided to give PHP and Linux a chance, but I ain’t impressed so far.

2007-02-19 17:22:20 · 5 answers · asked by handmadethaibkk 1 in Programming & Design

I've been with my boyfriend for 5 years and I really love him I would do anything for him. I have done everything for him and before I got with him I was with an abusive guy and my boyfriend now told me when I first got with him that he would never hurt me. Well about 3 years ago when he got back from over sea's ( he's in the military) things have change. He started Abusing me emotionally and physically and I cant get him to stop what do I do. He tells me he doesn't mean to hurt me that he loves me and that he's going to stop and get some help but he never does. I don't know how much more I can take please help.

2007-02-19 17:22:19 · 7 answers · asked by OneSexyPeach 2 in Singles & Dating

Not gender specfic

2007-02-19 17:22:17 · 12 answers · asked by quahaug54 4 in Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

now that im stepping into the twlight zone place is a mad house feels like being home (not sure if thats exactly what he says but its really close)

2007-02-19 17:22:15 · 12 answers · asked by Austin D 1 in Music

2007-02-19 17:22:10 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Polls & Surveys

Dad says he was there and that his ship received fallout from the test. We need to establish proof that he was but don't know where to start. We do know his two ship assignments; 1) USS Pine Island AV-12 and 2) USS Oriskany CVA-34. Service dates were; 05/16/1952 - 10/18/1955. Reason for this question; Dad has health issues and finding this information would be of great help.

2007-02-19 17:22:10 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

ok my daughter was born with polydactyly which is excess digits which i was told is hereditary.... so my question is ... is that the same thing as being born with only six fingers all together?

2007-02-19 17:21:55 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Diseases

I have just picked up my son from school. He is in grade 1. His teacher told me that he had something to tell me. As it turns out another boy in his class has told him to call a teacher a bit*ch. And that's what he did. He knows that this is a rude word and that he is not allowed to say it, so my question is how do you teach them to say no, they won't do that. If he is doing things that kids tell him to now, I don't even want to think about the teenage years. I would like to nip this in the butt now. How do you teach them to be a leader, not a follower, to stand on your own two feet. Too not worry about how the other person will react when they say no.

2007-02-19 17:21:54 · 13 answers · asked by biancajh 5 in Grade-Schooler

I guess what i am trying to say is that he has a lot on his plate already and i dont know if i am dating someone who is probly not going to think in the same path i am. I would love to have children and have a husband but am i dating the wrong person? What do i do?

2007-02-19 17:21:48 · 7 answers · asked by Katie D 1 in Singles & Dating

i have read that african americans ,on average have poor deit conscious lifestyles. as a result they suffer a disproportionate amout of diseases such as heart disease and diabetes.Is it just a cultural thing where they were raised in households that had poor dietary choices?

2007-02-19 17:21:46 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Health

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