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All categories - 13 February 2007

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I was worried he was going to over medicate me -now he wants more blood tests and says the TSH needs to be 5.0 before he prescribes. I have gained 35 pounds in the last year and am exhausted and depressed much of the time.

2007-02-13 04:04:48 · 9 answers · asked by J A 3 in Other - Health

One morning The Lion went walking around the Jungle,and asked all the animals he met, who's the king of the jungle?
Each one answered in turn, you are mighty lion.
Eventually in a clearing he met an elephant and asked the same question.
The Elephant was in a nasty mood, he picked the lion up squeesed him half to death, slammed him on the ground and trampled on him.
The Lion picked himself up painfully and said,"just because you don't know there's no need to get mad about it.

2007-02-13 04:04:46 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Jokes & Riddles

I got a new RAZR for my birthday this weekend and I'm really wanting to find some cool ringtones and graphics. Anyone have any suggestions for good websites?

2007-02-13 04:04:43 · 1 answers · asked by Justinsmom 3 in Cell Phones & Plans

What was the manga artist's name that made the show Naruto

2007-02-13 04:04:35 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Comics & Animation

2007-02-13 04:04:23 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

basically to keep myslef fit. What sort off exercises would you recommend for a beginner to do??
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

2007-02-13 04:04:21 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Boxing

Though I understand that people need their religion to make their lives make sense, why is it that when answering a question they must quote the Bible, or express their own personal beliefs? Instead of addressing the question, they address their own personal views? Is there no objectivity? Or, am I wrong, and there is only one way to express yourself, through religious belief?

2007-02-13 04:04:20 · 7 answers · asked by aidan402 6 in Philosophy

Will girls prefer receiving flower/chocolate from a guy in the morning or after school?

I dont know if i should surprise her in the morning before school starts or after school.

2007-02-13 04:04:20 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous 1 in Singles & Dating

I'd like to give my ferret a reward when she comes to her name or poos in the litter pan, etc. but she only eats ferret food. I tried baby food (chicken) and cheerios and she won't take it. Any ideas??

2007-02-13 04:04:11 · 5 answers · asked by The Grand Inquisitor 4 in Other - Pets

This is only for an article I'm working on.
currently the government has gone to great lengths to ban trans fats from restaurants and from our diets. On the otherhand quite a few people are saying that it is our constitutional right to eat unhealthy food and give ourselves heart attacks. What do you think?
Should the government go this far as to banning trans fat or should they take another approach like warning labels.
I mean adults consuming trans fats. I understand the ban with children eating them.

2007-02-13 04:04:10 · 6 answers · asked by christigmc 5 in Diet & Fitness

It is necessary to redraw this map. This middle chunk of the world map should be clubbed with east or west.

2007-02-13 04:04:07 · 3 answers · asked by handyandy 1 in Military

yes ive tryed it

2007-02-13 04:04:00 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

i wanna download avril lavigne music video's

2007-02-13 04:04:00 · 4 answers · asked by billy m 1 in Music

ok so for starters...I am gay so don't start fighting with telling me to mind to my self.... but here is my problem!

Theres this boy at my school, and i really want him to notice me, but he doesn't. We just recently had a dance and he brought his new boyfriend to it. me being the nice person i am punch him....Just joking, i actually talk to this boy and made friends with him , he was very nice! I think i just need to grow a pair and ask him out, but I am afraid of getting hurt again! What do i DO!!!!!!!!!!!!! I know its only gonna be a matter of time befor him and his boyfriend break up!

2007-02-13 04:03:59 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

I'm doing a little apartment hunting on craigslist for Long Beach and I was wondering what are the better areas of LB. It's hard to tell by just pictures. What zip codes should I look for?

2007-02-13 04:03:54 · 2 answers · asked by Deena 1 in Renting & Real Estate

what is the diff between these two?
bcoz some colleges offer b.e ece also some other b. tech ece?
also tell me about sandwich course? what is mean by that?

2007-02-13 04:03:51 · 4 answers · asked by vijay k 2 in Higher Education (University +)

does anybody know how much money is being wired to mexico on a yearly basis via workers sending money to their familes?

2007-02-13 04:03:51 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Immigration

The Three Amigos!
The Jerk
Planes, Trains and Automobiles
Father of the Bride

2007-02-13 04:03:48 · 32 answers · asked by ~LAX Mom~ 5 in Polls & Surveys

A guy walks into a bar and hears someone crying. The guy goes up to the bartender and says "Hey, what's that noise."
The bartender says "That's my goat in the back. He's been crying for days since we moved. There's a $500 reward to whoever can make my goat happy again."
So the guy goes in the back of the bar and seconds later he makes the goat laugh.

The next day, the same guy goes in the same bar again. This time the bartender says "Hey you know what, ever since you made my goat laugh, he's been laughing non stop, it's driving me nuts. If you go back there and make him stop, i'll give you another $500.

So the guy goes in the back of the bar and suddenly the goat started crying again.

The bartender ask "How did you do it? That's amazing."

The guy says "well, the first time I saw your goat he was crying. THen I told him that I bet my D I C K is longer that his and your goat started laughing."

The bartender says "How did you make it cry again?"
The guy says "I proved it

2007-02-13 04:03:47 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Jokes & Riddles

We have twins that will be 3 in May, and they are giving us fits! Both are very strong-willed and a "handful".

2007-02-13 04:03:45 · 11 answers · asked by horizonwnw 1 in Parenting

2007-02-13 04:03:44 · 3 answers · asked by Scotty 1 in Small Business

I am wearing an amazing turq. blue pick up gown. It is strapless and it has a v shape in the back until about my mid back. How should I do my hair? I have red mid length hair by the way.

2007-02-13 04:03:39 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Hair

2007-02-13 04:03:31 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Polls & Surveys

Find the original price of the outfit if the sale price is $56 after a 60% discount..

I know I have to do something with 100.. but im so lost.

2007-02-13 04:03:26 · 5 answers · asked by xrandomnessx 2 in Mathematics

If you do, please stop it.

2007-02-13 04:03:24 · 22 answers · asked by RIVER 6 in Polls & Surveys

I am 3 months pregnant and have been feeling very tired. My fiance has been complaining because the house is not as clean as it used to be. I do clean everyday but I do not clean every room like he expects. I also have a 5 year old who needs my time also. With my first pregnancy I had a problem with my placenta and I couldn't vacum or anything cause there was a risk of miscarriage and I'm afraid I may have the same thing. If I do clean alot I get stomach pains so I stop for a while. I guess my ? is am I doing wrong by not cleaning so much or is he right to flip out about it? Please don't be ignorant I hear it everyday. Thanks to everyone who reply's

2007-02-13 04:03:21 · 15 answers · asked by lem 3 in Pregnancy

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