There is this guy, he likes me an I like him, but the thing is he has a girlfriend. We get along fine, an he took me out an said if he didnt have a gf that we could date. But then he ask me do i wanna be his gf, an I told him no b/c he has a gf, an he acts if this bothers him. He ask me if he leaves his gf will i be with him, an i said yeah. I mean he is so confusing, I mean I dont mind being his friend you know, an I told him that. We did kiss once, an held hand when we went out, i shouldnt of though. And I told him that I was not having sex with him, an if he is about that then he better guess again b/c thats not me. he told me to stop sterotyping him as one of those guys, but i mean some guys are like that so. He tells me that his gf, text messages guys she used to have sex with, an that her an some girl are fighting over her ex an she lets guys takes pics of her. he says that he with her b/c she takes him to work, but yet when he gets off the phone with her he says"love you.
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Singles & Dating