This being a spanking done on the bottom, leaving no permanent marks (No bruising, welts, blisters...) just the spanker using a belt.
Abuse: meaning that these children should be taken out of the home, and placed in foster care. The spanker thrown in jail.
I do believe in spanking, but NEVER with belts. I have a friend who does. I think that is a bit harsh, but I hate the way people throw the word "abuse" around. When I use that word, the above mentioned better happen. I know they don't leave marks on their children. It's a different style then mine, but I don't consider it abuse. They both love their children very much, and I would consider the children to be "above average" in their development compared to peers.
Pleas answer the question with a "Yes" or "No" and then state your opinion if you wish.
Thank You in advance
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