NO ONE knows this.I have been friends with this guy since 2nd grade.We r both in 6th grade now, and i started liking him in the middle of 5th grade.Now that we go to the same school,i thought we would hang out with each other,but he has other friends that use to be my friends when i went to his elementary school.We both go to an after school thing called the zone,and we at least get to hang out there.I only act like myself around him,and my other really good friends.Anyways oneday he said,i haveto tell u somethin on im,sothat night i had to force it out of him,n he said i have a crush on u,i said yeh right to act like i didn't like him,and then he said jk.I was so dissapointed,but then i thought,maybe he said that because he didn't want to seem like an idiot to me.Then i found out whohe liked n it wasn't me.We always talk and he thinks i am more popular than him,so i wonder if he uses me?I want him tolike me more than a friend,but idon't know if he does.How do i find out?HELP QUICk!!!!
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~VICKY~ online talk ta me
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