what iam saying seems sensible to me, we go to a site and we pick up cookies which stick with us and monitor our travels over the internet and what we are interested in and then report back to where they came from,well what stops the anti-spyware program owners from sending out spyware to infect a system,and thus promote business?this must be happening so how are we to protect ourselves?every anti-spyware and anti-virus program has to be updated. i notice that for a customer to get a anti-virus thats any good,it costs money and then they are comprimised anyway,it seems. iam still a novice computer user but this is what it seems to me. ive had a computer since may,2005 ,ive been reformatted 3 times and week after week i have to go to the tech reps to straighten out the spyware created problems.is it like this for every body?
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