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My HD TV has 2 HDMI inputs, how would you connect more than 2 components via HDMI without having to unplug? Is there a way of hubbing similar to USB connections?

2007-01-08 16:22:41 · 5 answers · asked by Daniel S 1 in Consumer Electronics Home Theater

5 answers

If you don't have enough, get a device that will expand your
HDMI inputs. They are available on the internet and stores.

2007-01-09 15:01:47 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Yes, they are known as HDMI switches. I have seen ones up to 5-to-1 switches. There are the cheap kind that are not powered and they cost about $30 for 2-to-1 switch. Then, there are the powered or amplified ones that go for about $125. I would recommend the powered ones, if you can afford it. You will get better quality.


2007-01-09 06:43:06 · answer #2 · answered by techman2000 6 · 0 0

If you want a switcher that will WORK and does not have HDCP handshake issues, the only one I've run across that has been consistent is the Radiient Technologies Select-4 switcher. They run $299. I've sold a number of them to local customers who had problems when Comcast switched over to new software and their systems all had HDCP handshake problems with their receivers. These work perfectly and will pass 1080P. Will switch 4 to one. We tried a number of others including the Monoprice switchers but had problems getting a consistent HDCP link.

2007-01-10 16:19:10 · answer #3 · answered by The Soundbroker 3 · 0 0

Connect HDMI cables from PS3 and Xbox to TV for video and optical cables from them to receiver for audio.

2016-05-22 21:57:54 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Yes, you can buy switches, but make sure they support HDCP.
However, don't sweat connectors that much. Component video is great. You may not even be able to tell the difference

(Watching composite video didn't bother you that much, did it?)

2007-01-08 18:03:40 · answer #5 · answered by TV guy 7 · 0 0

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