You know, I think deeply on universal matters often. I think heavily on the reasonings put forth by religious thought and scientific thought. I've concluded that neither have all the answers and both are just using different ways of understanding the world.
Sometimes without proof religion can explain something and sometimes it cannot. Sometimes science explains something and sometimes it cannot. Creation Vs. Evolution. I say Creavolution. We CERTAINLY evolve though we don't really understand exactly how this works (science is slow). We were CERTAINLY produced/made because something always came from something else (the intuitive logic sometimes used by religion).
But I look at the world sometimes & the thought that evolution is supposed to make us a superior species (natural selection, darwinism & all that) doesn't quite pan out to me.
Do you REALLY think Nature is designing life to become better, to survive better....or is it simply just designing life to merely make them different?
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