This is the most serious question i have ever asked, so please help me? I have two standard poodles, and they have just come to my house after their retirement as breeders. I love them sooo much, and i have known them all my life, as i used to work at the breeding place. When me and my mum go to work, the dogs go into a kennel in the back garden/yard. But they bark and bark all day long, or one does, and the other one joins in from time to time...
They have done it twice in a row now, in two days, and we have been reported to the council, as there is a council estate backing onto our house. I love them so much that i couldn't let them go. But my mam is taking them back to the breeding place to be rehomed, so then they wouldn't even be there!
I am crying now and cant see the keyboard, i love them too much, and so does my mum, probably more than me. I will be in the house today but i will put them in the kennel to have one more chance, incase4 i can save them any tips to stop barking??
13 answers
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Dog-focus-uk website