Greetings, I'm retired and in my early 60's. Generaly, I know what diabetes is and what it can do to you. I have a history of it on both sides of my family. I have loss several family members in the past and my older blood brother is dying of it as I speak. As yet I do not have it. However, can you tell me what are the top 1 or 2 "very early" signs of diabetes? The reason I'm asking is because for the past 8-12 months I have had a growing awareness of a small dull ache on the left side of my spine (if you were standing behind me looking at my back it would be on your left). On a pain scale level of 1 to 10, my pain level is about a half a point to a one ( 1/2 to 1). It feels like it is taking up space inside me more and more during this time. I sleep well at night but when I first get up in the morning is when it hurts the most. Its get better after a few minutes of moving around. I do not see a doctor except twice a year to get my blood checked, its okay. I am not on medication(s).
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