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All categories - 26 December 2006

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2006-12-26 18:08:10 · 9 answers · asked by basel q 1 in Phoenix

I think a have serious mental problem... when I go out in public and see rich people I get really angry. It's not jealousy, it's just something that happens to me... if I could become one of them, honestly, I wouldn't want to. I just think the society ought not to be so... sophisticated. I want everything just to be simple, nothing out of the ordinary. I don't think people should have to look and act different... so basically, I hate uniqueness. I'd much rather have everybody look the same and act the same. No rich people, no poor people, no ugly people, no pretty people. I know, I have issues... I think I really need help! But I don't want to go see a doctor about this, I'm not very good with strangers... I want to do this myself... is is even possible?

2006-12-26 18:08:08 · 21 answers · asked by jenny kim 1 in Mental Health

Am I average for my age?

5ft tall
80 lbs (I'm NOT anorexic, I play a lot of sports and very active)

2006-12-26 18:08:07 · 1 answers · asked by nikkecola17 3 in Diet & Fitness

I have fleas in my house and on my cats. I went to the vet and got the advantage drops for the cats. I have also sprayed my house, used a flea fogger, and have been vacuuming everything and cleaning the crap outta my house. Since both cats and the house have been treated should I continue to keep my cats quarantined in the bathroom or should I let them out. I'm thinking it's probably ok to let them out now since the pesticide has had time to settle. Also, I think the advantage stuff on the cats is supposed to kill any fleas that jump on. I'm thinking it's a good idea to let the cats run around so the remaining fleas that continue to hatch will jump on the cats and die. Advise?

2006-12-26 18:08:03 · 8 answers · asked by cohrsman 1 in Cats

I would say "Birth" with Nicole Kidman! GOD! I can't believe I was stupid enough to stay til the very end thinking it was gonna get better. My memory hurts just from reminiscing the loss of two hours of my social life.Lol.

2006-12-26 18:07:52 · 22 answers · asked by Twins 1 in Movies

I'm 22 and my hair is jet black and my complexion is a medium olive. I also have very dark eyes, and my eyes are my best features. I'm just after a bad case of flu, so I'm looking for something to pep me up a bit. I have decided on a layered-hair cut, but I'm not sure about what colour highlights I should go in for.
Could you guide me, please?

2006-12-26 18:07:48 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

this is me ...i need to wear glasses so do they look nice or are contacts a better option



2006-12-26 18:07:38 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Beauty & Style

there was a man who was rich!! he has a buisness near his city!! he has a security guard!! he does his duty well!
One day, as regularly, the rich man was going to his office, then suddenly, the security guard man hold his legs and cried:"please sir, don't go to work today"
'why, what's wrong?"
"i had a dream LAST NIGHT, that your business building has been crushed by a meteora"
the rich man thinks 4 a while, and goes back to his room, thinking!!
and as the securiy man's information, his business place has been crushed by a meteora!!
the rich man could have been died that day!!
he was saved by the security man!!
then at nine PM, the rich man called the security man!!
the security man comes to him!!
then the rich man SLAPS the security man and said something!!
what did the rich man said after the slap????
this is interesting 1! b wild, but reasonable!! the 1st correct answer wins, u know, 10 POINTS!!!!!

2006-12-26 18:07:23 · 4 answers · asked by Annoymous 3 in Jokes & Riddles


is it true that if you do no have symptoms of herpes for two yours you are considered "cured" or something like that?

2006-12-26 18:07:23 · 10 answers · asked by HeavensAbove 2 in STDs

of germany

2006-12-26 18:07:14 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Government

2006-12-26 18:07:13 · 7 answers · asked by JAaroNE 1 in Malaysia

And no plastic surgery! i want exersize answers only!

2006-12-26 18:07:03 · 14 answers · asked by StevensGurl 1 in Women's Health

if YES, then from where 2 get Peroxide? i askd a medical practitioner, he questioned me wat sort of peroxide[eg. - hydrogen-peroxide, or wat?] !! plz help & lemme informed in detail .

2006-12-26 18:06:57 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Dental

I grew up in Orange County where there was scarcely any blacks. Now I live in a black populated area and I feel like I stand out. people call me whitewashed. I don't feel comfortable around a lot of blacks. But I feel comfortable around Latinos and the weirdest thing is I feel like I stand out when I'm hanging out with the blacks but I don't feel that way when I'm with Hispanics. I feel weird also because I don't really like black guys so I force myself. Not that i don't like black guys but they are not my main preference. I don't even like having a preference because I feel like I'm segregating people. How can I feel more black? I feel more comfortable hanging around white guys and hispanic guys then I do with black guys. I'm actually kind of afraid of black guys. I don't want to be confused. I want to be normal. What should i do?

2006-12-26 18:06:54 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Cultures & Groups

what do you do when you have this feeling for your exgirlfriend... this feeling where you think that you can spend the rest of your life with her?
what do you do when you would kill to protect her? Unfortunately i still feel this way about my ex who left me for another guy. I'm beginning to suspect that she is somewhat missing me... due to the fact that she sent me this email saying that after she comes back from san diego, she wants to see if we can meet up... this also includes the fact that her myspace photo has changed from her being with "joe" to a different one... i don't know what to do... every 5 minutes she pops into my head... and i just wanna break down..... there are so many things that make me think about her.... certain games, songs, movies, etc. ...i love her.... any advice on what i should do will be appreciated from everyone.... i'm only reopening this so i can get more answers... i need more advise

thank you... and i hope that all of you had a happy holiday...

2006-12-26 18:06:48 · 2 answers · asked by the sign 2 in Singles & Dating

Darwin's statement

"Geology assuredly does not reveal any such finely-graduated organic chain; and this, perhaps, is the most obvious and serious objection which can be urged against the theory. (The Origin of Species)" In his book where he was talking about evolution. Okay now let's jump to about 140 years after that book was written to the year 1999 when Prof Steve Jones of University College London published an updated version of Darwin’s Origin of Species. The fossil record still posed the same problem. Here is his quote "The fossil record - in defiance of Darwin's whole idea of gradual change - often makes great leaps from one form to the next. Far from the display of intermediates to be expected from slow advance through natural selection many species appear without warning, persist in fixed form and disappear, leaving no descendants. Geology assuredly does not reveal any finely graduated organic chain, and this is the most obvious and gravest objection."

2006-12-26 18:06:43 · 16 answers · asked by Stacey B 2 in Religion & Spirituality

My dog is shedding. I am trying to get off the shedded hair with a soft brush I bought at the dog store. He fights it terribly. Does anyone have any suggestions on how I can remove the shedding hair from my dog? I have tried everything from feeding him treats while I am trying to do it or sneaking up on him and getting it done little by little before he struggles and runs away. Any suggestions? Would taking him to a professional dog groomer do the trick?

2006-12-26 18:06:35 · 11 answers · asked by lagosalado67 1 in Dogs

my parents have been looking everywhere for a ds lite pink.we tried frys,walmart,toysrus,best buy,curcuit city,and game stores there all out of stock do any of you know when a store will probably have them in stock.i live in riverside,ca.or please tell me a store i probably havent try(beside e bay or amazon).gracias

2006-12-26 18:06:19 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Games & Gear

I'm doing aresearch...thanks

2006-12-26 18:06:18 · 3 answers · asked by ray_porting 1 in Celebrities

started a long distance relationship with a high school crush. A few weeks in he started to tell me he loved me and I was his everything. But he doesnt call alot...he use to text me everyday for hours and now i barely talk to him. I threatened to break it off but he told me I was his everything. I just feel neglected.....on top of that he has a sh*t load of female friends and parties alot. Should I just let it go cause action speaks louder than words and his actions aint doing it for me. What to do?

2 days ago
I hope im not over reacting. something in my gut tells me he isn't as real as he's saying...Im so confused. and I was supposed to be moving to a different state to live with him. but now i changed me mind

2006-12-26 18:06:07 · 5 answers · asked by ? 2 in Singles & Dating

She is a toy poodle mix, so she is pretty small 7-8 lbs. If I am trying to catch her,she runs from me and growls. Then when I am about to catch her she growls and barks but her tail is wagging and she is in play position (body low, tail in air). When I pick her up she tries to bite me especially if she has something in her mouth she thinks i will take away from her. So far she hasn't hurt me too bad she has only cut my finger twice, but I am tired of it. How do I make her stop this?

2006-12-26 18:05:36 · 17 answers · asked by Ashley B 1 in Dogs

Why don't they take time to ask why is it ILLEGAL to begin with.

Like did you know...marijuana was first made illegal in 1937 by Harry Anslinger because...at the time Mexicans were the only ones that really used it and he wanted to arrest them?

The law was also passed because those that were voting against it didn't even know what they were really voting on....they just listened to what Mr. Anslinger said. (that sounds familiar..huh)

I just wish more people actually took the time to educate themselves before making such ignorant statements as..."It's illegal period". Kind of like...Daddy government said it's bad...so it is so.

2006-12-26 18:05:35 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

I told him that dividing and judging people by race/ethnicity/other irrational factors shouldn't happen because we're all just smart mammals trying to make sense of the world. But he insists.

What could I do to help change his opinion?

2006-12-26 18:05:35 · 12 answers · asked by "Asian Warren Buffett" 1 in Other - Cultures & Groups

HELP! My ex GF is 5 mo pregnant, & not ONCE been to a Dr...her excuse is she's waiting for medicaid to kick in, yet she still hasn't returned the forms. We had an ultrasound at a free clinic at 4th week, & that's it. I've offered to take her & pay myself, she refuses. She'll only talk to me thru email, I can't reason w/ her. Told her I was going to drag her to an OB if I have to, she told me she'd take care of it. She seems depressed, I know she's mad at me, but there is more at stake here than our relationship. I love her and want to get back together, she doesn't. Regardless, this baby has to be cared for first. Who can I contact that has the power to MAKE her go? DFS? Police? I don't want to get her in any legal trouble, but I am worried about her and the baby's health. I haven't seen her in weeks, she doesn't want me in the baby's life. She's 32, & it's her 3rd baby. She knows better. She lives w/ her ex, he doesn't seem to care. Am I overreacting? Is this not an unwarranted risk?

2006-12-26 18:05:27 · 16 answers · asked by dick 1 in Pregnancy

- janiyah ava ashlee smith
-maleeyah(muh-lee-ya) honstee nicole smith

-dalahzaii(dal-la-zay) andre smith
-himahky(him-uh-kuh-eye) ????


2006-12-26 18:05:21 · 11 answers · asked by Rockee 1 in Other - Pregnancy & Parenting

is it like an access point that the psp will pick up in your home? do i need to have a wireless newtwork for it to work? what exactly does it do? does it connect me to the internet on my psp without a wireless network? please dont refer me to a website, i have seen all the websites.

2006-12-26 18:05:16 · 1 answers · asked by slipperypiggy5 3 in Games & Gear

fedest.com, questions and answers