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started a long distance relationship with a high school crush. A few weeks in he started to tell me he loved me and I was his everything. But he doesnt call alot...he use to text me everyday for hours and now i barely talk to him. I threatened to break it off but he told me I was his everything. I just feel neglected.....on top of that he has a sh*t load of female friends and parties alot. Should I just let it go cause action speaks louder than words and his actions aint doing it for me. What to do?

2 days ago
I hope im not over reacting. something in my gut tells me he isn't as real as he's saying...Im so confused. and I was supposed to be moving to a different state to live with him. but now i changed me mind

2006-12-26 18:06:07 · 5 answers · asked by ? 2 in Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

5 answers

First instincts are usually right so trust your instincts.

2006-12-26 18:14:58 · answer #1 · answered by dee_ann 6 · 0 0

Trust your gut feeling. A guy's not worth it if he has a lot of female friends, parties a lot, and neglects you. It's not what a guy who'd tell a girl "his everything" would do. He's just screwing around with you.

2006-12-27 02:10:20 · answer #2 · answered by K. Nicole 1 · 1 0

Yeah, I suggest breaking it off with him.

From what you've said it doesnt sound like you are his top priority.

And you feeling neglected is definitely not a good sign.
You deserve better than that.

2006-12-27 02:12:54 · answer #3 · answered by Emily Strange 1 · 0 0

your not over reacting, a relationship (in order for it to work) needs attention, and this guy is not giving it to you. despite it being a long distance relationship, there is no excuse for him to "not have time for you." my suggest is, break it off and find someone more local that will spend time with you.

2006-12-27 02:10:54 · answer #4 · answered by Dancing Queen 2 · 0 0

i think u should break it off. when ur in a relationship u should b happy not neglected!

2006-12-27 02:10:32 · answer #5 · answered by weird goth 2 · 0 0

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