OK, a bit about my background: I'm 21 years, Indonesian, I left home to live overseas when I was 14 and skipped 3 semesters of high school so I've always hung around folks who are a bit older than me.
I went to Europe alone when I was 18 and lived a rough life there: I didn't know the language, I was trying to build a business, and I got kicked out from one house to another. To make things worse I had a stalker, so I lived in constant fear of being taken advantage of. I would dress maturely and when people asked me how old I was I'd say "not yet 30" because I was afraid that they'd do things to me if they knew I was so young. My mentors taught me, if I mean business and don't want men to take advantage of me, I needed to be formal.
Now I'm back in Indonesia and things have changed. I'm still expanding my business but I'm new in town and so to get connections for business I meet new people. One comment I often get is that I act too formal! What can I do to tone down?
5 answers
asked by
Mizz G
Other - Society & Culture