Yes, I'm chicken ~ afraid that I could mess up my beautiful old doors. I'm afraid of taking the drastic step of drilling the 2 1/8" hole [for starters]! I've got 3 doors that need locks; they're all beautifully refinished, heartpine [house is 100yrs old]. [& I hate the idea of messing them up anyway with a newly purchased lock, but the skelton key isn't quite adequate.] These doors already have the original cut-out in the edge of the door for the skeleton key mechanism insert which holds the knob. Of course, the new Dead Bolt would be put above this.
It's curious that I'm chicken to do this, because I have done eVeRy manner of house renovation task ~ from wiring and plumbing, to roof work and carpentry!
Maybe I should hold out and hope to find an old mechanism that will fit into the existing door edge cut-out, that has a keyed [not skeleton] element.
Please, tell me I don't need to be afraid to forge forward w/dead bolt installation; and what to be careful about.
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Do It Yourself (DIY)