The following questions and answers have been given to me. I believe they're correct, but I can't seem to produce the answers. If you can, please can you give me the formula you've used / explain how? I really appreciate it. Obviously, ten points to whomsoever gets there first.
In a constituency of 120,680 voters the outcome of an election was as follows.
Moderate Party43% of valid votes cast
Radical Party22% of valid votes cast
Extremist Party9% of valid votes cast
Countryside Party8% of valid votes cast
15% did not cast a vote
3620 voting slips were spoiled
NB. In answering the following questions, give the whole number, but regard 0.5 or more as 1. ( e.g 1.5 adjusted upwards to 2, 1.499 adjusted downwards to 1 )
QA What was the number of the majority of votes of the Moderates over the Radicals?
A: 20.781
QbWhat was the number of the majority of votes of the Moderates over all parties?
A: 3958
9 answers
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