On 1st, OCtober, 2006. I was stuck by a used needle.The needle was still fresh, I know this is a risk for HIV..
I planned to get tested six weeks post exposure, but on 6th, October, 2006, I was beaten by a stranger dog, so i went to the hospital, I took the Rabies vaccine, I took 06 shots in two weeks later, plus one shot of SAT vaccine.
I monitored my boidy during two months, and I experienced no fever- no rash-swollen lymphs at all, because I know ARS can occur during this period, but I see nothing...
I plan to take a HIV test, but I am worried, I have two questions:
1-Does the two vaccines make my sero-conversion longer ? I mean if I had not taken the vaccines, the frame reqiured is 13 weeks post exposure, but it can be 06 -12 months in my case ?
2-When I took the vaccines,my body would produce anti-body agaisnt Rabies, Does rapid tests confuse this anti-body with HIV anti-body? I mean my Determine test could react to Rabies-antibody and lead to poz-result..
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