Well, the big question many people ask is "Are we descendants from monkeys or did God created the entire universe".
Its a question that for many people will never be asnwered completely.
I think God created us. For me to believe that everything was created due to an explosion it's just crazy. Think about it, everything we are, our super awsome body, water, everything we need to live. Do you think all the previous things were created with just an explosion. I think not.
The earth floats in space, it rotates, now think what's outside the space. Is it indefinitive or is there an end to it. If people believe in all these extraordinary things why can't they believe that a greater Being created us.
When Darwin first came up with his findings about humans coming from monkeys, many people felt being stripped from their dignity.
My question is: How can we as people with our ability to reproduce, heal, work, and adapt, etc. Be a product of an explosion? How can life be created out of nothing.
That is why ladies and gentlemen that I believe God exists.
You may draw your own conclusions from the following website.
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