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All categories - 27 November 2006

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i am looking online for snow globes but i cant find anywhre that has them. anyone collect them and if so is there a place online to buy them?

2006-11-27 14:23:21 · 3 answers · asked by melanie 1 in Other - Home & Garden

which engine would be faster and or more suitable for his imagenary car, the the 426 Hemi with twin 4 barrels, or the 440 six pack. Any differances in performance would impress him. me I had a volkswagen

help plz

2006-11-27 14:23:19 · 7 answers · asked by icheeknows 5 in Other - Cars & Transportation

I mean, he's gotten alot bigger than when we first met. I love him no matter what but I don't want him to have a heart attack or get diabetes (which is in his family, by the way). He eats alot of unhealthy food. Like he will fry a whole pack of bacon or sausage and eat all of it. He drinks at least a 2 liter of soda ever day. He won't exercise. He won't even try. He's 37 and I'm worried he might die by the time he's 40.

2006-11-27 14:23:13 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Men's Health

2006-11-27 14:23:13 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Video & Online Games

If you were out with your friends, male or female and you saw your boyfriend or girlfriend holding hands with another girl/guy, what would you do? would you go crazy and tell him or her off? would you run crying in the other direction, or would you ever come to blows with him or her if you are a girl or him if you are a guy? would you break up on the spot or wait till you calmed down to make a sound decision?

2006-11-27 14:23:06 · 6 answers · asked by MiaDiva28 6 in Other - Family & Relationships

I type fast for a adult. My sister isn't good at typing but she wants to. I don't want her to type fast. What shall I do to make her stop?

2006-11-27 14:23:02 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Primary & Secondary Education

Hello Helppppp!
I have severel Problems with my computer after I downloaded Windows Media Player 11.
Since I downloaded a Online Radio as a taskbar and he did not want to play the movies in Media Player 10 downloaded I the newer version. He is telling me that there is a internal mistake. Than yesterday I tryed to download Itunes with Quick Time Player. Quick Time Player is not even Starting with the Download and when I started the Itunes he stopped befor he could download the package to my Laptop with the following message:

Visual Basic Script (VBSript) is not installed or deactivated.

I am not sure if I am not even received an virus here.

What is this VBScript and where can I find this on my laptop...short I need please help!!!


2006-11-27 14:23:01 · 2 answers · asked by Jessica 4 in Software

I have a best friend in school, who's female. She's not my girlfriend. I haven't seen her in a while because she had classes far away from mine, but she transferred to a class recently near one of mines. I want to go hang out with her somewhere, but I don't want to take her anywhere that'll seem "date-like". Where can we go to have fun that wouldn't seem like a date?

2006-11-27 14:22:51 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous in Friends

The box with the Christmas ornaments!!!??

2006-11-27 14:22:50 · 4 answers · asked by luvguns2002 3 in Decorating & Remodeling

You tell your friend that no machine can possibly put out more energy than is put into it, and your friend states that a nuclear reactor puts out more energy than is put into it. What do you say?

2006-11-27 14:22:41 · 7 answers · asked by Melissa 2 in Physics

2006-11-27 14:22:35 · 17 answers · asked by soundlady 5 in Polls & Surveys

2006-11-27 14:22:34 · 6 answers · asked by ginah 1 in Languages

Sometimes late at night I lie awake &_________

2006-11-27 14:22:33 · 31 answers · asked by ? 4 in Polls & Surveys

2006-11-27 14:22:30 · 13 answers · asked by kumar 1 in Motorcycles

i'm so bored in my hairstyle....i have always a problem when getting into a barber or salon... i don't know what kind of hairstyle that fits me... i don't know the terminologies of different hairstlyes... i have always a barber kind of style... hope i can make-over myself....

2006-11-27 14:22:25 · 2 answers · asked by Gregory 2 in Hair

If you were out with your friends, male or female and you saw your boyfriend or girlfriend holding hands with another girl/guy, what would you do? would you go crazy and tell him or her off? would you run crying in the other direction, or would you ever come to blows with him or her if you are a girl or him if you are a guy? would you break up on the spot or wait till you calmed down to make a sound decision?

2006-11-27 14:22:21 · 4 answers · asked by MiaDiva28 6 in Singles & Dating

I want to hear from any women who have had miscarriages. I had one when I was 7 weeks pregnant. This has been over 10 months ago and I was wondering if the pain will ever lessen. I dont know if it is normal for me to still cry about losing my baby, or if I am just being overly sensitive. I guess I want to hear about personal experiences in regards to how long before you stopped crying constantly. Also, I do not have any other kids. Please no smart @$$ comments, this is a serious question. Thank you so much for any answers.

2006-11-27 14:22:20 · 15 answers · asked by jasam4ever08 5 in Pregnancy

2006-11-27 14:22:19 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Cooking & Recipes

I am in a class where I get 2 credits for spending 30 hours in a study hall. I was sick for 3 weeks of the beginning of the 2st 8wks class, which caused me to drop a 1 hour class.

I went in today to ask if she'd let me add another credit hour, but she said I wouldn't have enough time. She monitors an independent study class and she said she's going to do everything she can to help so I can stay full time (I won't be suspended next semester w/the school).

She said to check in with her tomorrow and if not then, wednesday for sure to see if I can do it.

If she's the one doing the class, why can't she just tell me if I can? She already talked to the office, and she's the head of her department.

2006-11-27 14:22:19 · 2 answers · asked by PlasticTrees 2 in Other - Education

Several times over the past few years, I've heard and read the Xenu story presented as actual testimony of the beliefs of Scientology. Unfortunately, I haven't heard any actual Scientologists coroborate or refute it.

To any Scientologists out there, is the Xenu story a real teaching of Scientology or not?

If it is, do you personally believe that the story is allegorical or actual?

I've also heard that this information is not revealed to Scientologists until they have gained sufficient experience within the organization. Could you please include the amount of time that you've been a Scientologist when responding?

Thank you.

2006-11-27 14:22:16 · 4 answers · asked by marbledog 6 in Religion & Spirituality

ladies! or guys..ive been with my man for almost 4 years. do you think thats a long time to date? my friend was with her man for 7 years before marrying...i feel like we wont get engaged for along *** time but, why do we wait so long?? i know money issues but...thoughts??

2006-11-27 14:22:11 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

No, I do not have children, a close friend asked for advice, and I did not know what to tell her. Anyway, my good friend spanks her children when they misbehave. I do not see anything wrong with it. I was spanked, she was spanked, and she seems pretty responsible, never spanking out of anger. Her neighbor, is very anti spanking, and lets said friend know it all of the time. She constantly says that spanking children is physical, emotional, and sexual abuse (by the way, neighbor’s son is terrible, I once saw him throwing rocks at a kitten.) This really upsets friend, who is a dedicated mother who loves her kids so much. How can friend politely tell neighbor to get lost?

2006-11-27 14:22:07 · 25 answers · asked by pinacoladasundae 3 in Etiquette

2006-11-27 14:21:58 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Health

Several family members on my dad side have had this problem, they all died young and are not here to ask what they did to solve it. I dont smoke or drink or use caffeine to have this problem like they did. There is nothing to blame the problem on. I've had the problem for years since about age 10.

2006-11-27 14:21:58 · 5 answers · asked by Barb V 1 in Other - Diseases

Ok Ive been in a relationship with a person i was 100% attracted.Our signs are both compatible, but for some reason we werent always fighting. we were together for 2 1/2 years..the best thing about our relationship was the sex. Now im in this new relationship and its prefect...hmmm almost too perfect and well the bedroom action is ok but not the same...What do i do?

2006-11-27 14:21:56 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

I live in Atlantic Beach FL and I watched a guy get tased 12 times after he was handcuffed. He was not resisiitng arrest and was sitting there and cops came for everywhere and tased him. Im suprised he didn't die. Then you have to ask the city if you can file a civil suit against them what crap. I was a neighbor and watched the whole thing. Police brutality if I have ever seen it. Makes our neighborhood scared to go out at night and we live in a nice quiet neighbrhood. what do you think

2006-11-27 14:21:55 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law Enforcement & Police

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