Firstly, no offence to Christians, but what I am about to ask might offend some of you. If you still want to continue reading, please do.
#1. Who is God in Christianity? Some say its Jesus, some say its Jehovah.
ok, fine, if its Jehovah. We'll sub Jehovah as 'God' (like, Let X be God)
#2- If God is god, then who is Jesus? Some say he's the son of God. In Islam, Jesus is a Prophet (PBUH)
#3- If he is Son of God, that means God gave birth? God and Mary.... (omg, I am SO not going there!!!) or how do you explain "SON of GOD"???
#4- Is your god omnipotent?
#5- Why are there so many bibles around? What's the difference between bibles? Who compiled the bible?
#6- Why was the Testament allowed to be edited? Old and new- if it was the word of god, who gave people permission to change its contents and declare them as they wish?
Thanks for your interest, I appreciate it very much :)
16 answers
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Religion & Spirituality