first let me ask you, do you really want the jobs that the mexicans are doing,like working in a chicken processing faculity? will you work all day in the hot sun on construction, digging ditches etc,?I guarentee the ans to those questions are a resounding no,
so lets see if we can locate the real problem, could it be that under N,A,F,T,A, our factories have moved to other countries to escape the ridiculious union demands? where a man earning $16 per hour can come in drunk or doped up or just plain won't do his job , yet the company can't fire him , I heard a man say one day that they paid him $26 per hour to show up if they wanted him to work they would haft to pay hm more?????what about these companys who out source jobs to other countries , I am talking about good paying jobs , that Americans would do, no one seems to mind this why?if the American co, who have left the U,S, in the last 5 years were still here every one would have a job including the mexicans legal or illegal,
33 answers
asked by
jim ex marine offi,