I chose to come off the pill before my ex husband and I decided to have my daughter (she's 5 now) because the pill turned me in to a blubbering psycho. After Katie I had the coil fitted and have suffered with periods and pain from hell every month. My Family Planing clinic suggested Mirena. I had it fitted on 2/10/06 and I'm still spotting and cramping, which I belive is the norm, but this last week I have been snappy, irratable, moody, crying at loo roll adverts, snapping at my boyfriend for helping me and at my daughter, the poor loves dont know what's up with me. I'm not stressed or troubled, in fact life is great. I know that the hormone in Mirena is low but maybe its not agreeing with me?! I really want to shout, scream and cry at everyone right now and I feel like I'm loosing my grip on reality!!! Can any one help... Please
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Other - Pregnancy & Parenting