My husband and I are 21 and 22, we have a 19 month old daughter whom we adore and enjoy very much. We know we want more children, and dont want big gaps in their ages. We want them to be close. But is it wrong to have a 2nd child before we are financially stable? We are torn. To wait til my husband has a more stable job, and my business is doing better so that things are easier financially? We never fight about money or anything, so thats not the issue, we just want to be able to support our kids. But we also worry that waiting may put too big a gap between our first and second child, and then babies #3 and 4, would probably be closer together. Would that isolate our oldest? Or would it be nice to have her be about 4yrs old before having our next child, so she can help out and be gone part of the day for preschool, allowing 1 on1 time with the new baby? My friend says that if we wait til we feel we have enough money, we will never have another child. So advice anyone?
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