2006-10-06 05:23:19
answer #1
answered by sshhmmee2000 6
What were you in the hospital for? Are you on any medication which would effect your period? It is possible that you are pregnant, but you shouldn't have ovulated until around the 27th (two weeks later, which is why cycles are 28 days) None the less it is better safe than sorry. You can purchase a EPT for early detection to see, but I wouldn't trust the results 100% for another week or go to the dr for a blood test. Good luck either way, and don't get too stressed about it. Being stressed can slow the start of your period.
2006-10-06 05:30:10
answer #2
answered by The C 2
You could possibly be pregnant. You ovulate approximately 10 - 13 days after the first day of your period. That would put it right around when you had sex. I know your first instinct is to get an early home pregnancy test but they are not the most reliable. Wait until you are (if you are) a day or two late then take the test. If there is any possibility of having a baby (i.e., won't abort if you are pregnant) I would recomend avoiding risky behaviors such as drug and alcohol use and take some multivitamins and eat well. This is an important time in brain development if you are pregnant. Good luck to you - I hope it turns out the way you would like it to.
2006-10-06 05:28:33
answer #3
answered by Stacy 4
you sound toooo young and panicked to me...
1- I hope that you do know the guy very well, you could get or give seriouse desease to each other. and that is very dumb.
2- get a test and make sure and see what you can do about it.
3- think very carefully and dont rush for making a dumber decision.
4- dont have a child just to have a child. that will be a much bigger mistake.
5- whatever you do take 110% responsibility for it and be open to your friends and family.
6- good luck and i hope you got your lesson this time.
7- uhmmmm, you dont know yet if you are really pergnant. so, take it easy, take a deep slow breath and stop smoking and drinking already..... ;-)
8- you had sex on 20th and 24th? uhmmmm, i dont even remember when was my last time lucky
2006-10-06 05:43:17
answer #4
answered by Gadget G 1
You could be pregnant or you could have an STD if you are experiencing cramping and your bout due for your periods you could possibly hav an STD but to be on the safe side i think you should take a pregnancy test and if your not then schedule an appointment with your gynecologist immediately and get checked out because STD's somtimes prevent your periods from coming so my advice to You is to get tested and get checked out before things out of control and cause further complications.
2006-10-06 05:29:45
answer #5
answered by Jesse B 1
Can't say for sure, but when you are just coming off Birth Control, you are less likely to have a "normal" cycle. I know when I got off the pill in July I still haven't had a "normal" cycle yet. Because you are dealing with hormones, you have to wait a see after you body starts to straighten itself out.
2006-10-06 05:26:32
answer #6
answered by Lilat180 4
The reality is that You could be pregnant!
However, the body can change from its Normal Schedule especially during times of Trauma(i.e. Your Hospitalization)
Take a test to Put your mind at ease!
2006-10-06 05:29:37
answer #7
answered by J. Charles 6
you certainly can be pregnant. conception is possible on any day of your cycle, even during your period. the idea that women ovulate between certain days is, at best, completely unreliable. also, sperm can live inside you for a few days, so determining dates of fertility is impossible. get yourself an at home test as so many others have said and then get yourself to a doctor as soon as possible. good luck
2006-10-06 05:40:57
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
well it sounds like it your period is comming but if it does not come when it is supposed to come then take a pregnancy test take the error proof test. then see what that says then if that has a negative then do not worry but if it has a possitive then i would make an appointment with your gyno to make absoulty sure.
Good luck.
2006-10-06 05:25:26
answer #9
answered by knowssignlanguage 6
yes you could be pregnant especially since you had sex with out protection you should wait until your period is schedule to come and if it doesn't then you should take a test
2006-10-06 05:29:12
answer #10
answered by Anonymous
I don't know why we even get these questions...unless you don't have a car to go buy a test.
If you had sex under any conditions then, YES, you could be pregnant.
2006-10-06 05:30:31
answer #11
answered by DeborahDel 6