Ok im a mid teenager and i just got braces put on like a week ago. But ive been noticing the past two days that im swallowing wierd with my tongue, almsot like a tongue thrust. I open my bite slighty i actually pull back my toungue instead of pushing it to grab the spit im sucking back then i swallow normal. like im sucking all the spit from the out side of my mouth, the Front teeth region where mybraces are to my tongue and swallow. I swallow normal without my tongue toching my teeth but its when beofre im swallowing my tongue thursts a little bit to get the spit. Also when i do this im puckering my lips ALOT like inward sucking motion but inside your mouth with oyur lips closed. Is this becasue of my braces or is this a problem to be concerned aobut. Ive never had a tongue thrusting problem before so why is this weird tongue thing happening now with braces? I cant stop this 2 day habit, i swallow so much, and ive noticed my S's and Z's sounds when i speak sound different adn weird.
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