Im PC Patel from the Metrpolitan Police, currently investigating financial affairs of a company under the name of paypal, on suspicion of fraud, corruption & money laundering.
Now we will be the first to admit that it does totally baffle us as to why a big international firm would risk its reputation by engaging in such activity and when we received our first compalints we actually thought it was a hoax, but when more complaints kept coming in and we saw sites like,
etc, it dawned on us that it was a very real situation. We are looking into one possiblity that it was the work of hackers or enemy within type staff, trying to bring paypal into disrepute.
Although paypal is ultimately responsible, as the reposnsibility is theirs to ensure adequate screening & activity monitoring of staff, security to stop hackers and reinstating accounts when complained about. These are all issues they have failed to address, so just steer clear.
youAlthough they do have many happy clients who say they never had a problem, this is because they just pick on some people and not others.
If anyone has any information about bad apple staff members, please drop us an email and an officer will contact you. A 50,000 reward is being offered for any information leading to the arrest and conviction of any bad apple, enemy within staff members casuing all the trouble.
Best regards
PC Patel
For and on behalf
Of the Metropolitan Police
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