It is certainly a fallacy: you may as well argue that, since all roads lead somewhere, therefore there must be some single place to which all roads lead---ROME, no doubt!
We know Aquinas was in error, he was long before Isaac Newton;
and Newton killed it off. Because Way one of Aquinas takes as it's premise the proposition that everything that moves is moved by something else, and is dependent upon the now discredited physics of Aristotle. So, what is Newtons first law? ........"every body continues in it's state of rest, or of uniform motion in a straight line, unless it is compelled to change that state by forces impressed upon it" From this vantage point we can see that there is no necessity or warant for the principle that "everything which moves is moved by something else"
And so we have had a look at Maimonides and this was just a side trip.
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Religion & Spirituality