Why do we enjoy watching America being destructed and devastated... in the movie? Hollywood's "I hate America" syndrome?!?
Has anyone ever realized that Hollywood loves to make movies where America being devastated by... aliens, natural disasters, raging robots, zombies, biochemical hazards, demons, devils, terrorists, meteors, nuclear explosions, wars, whatever... and we still call that ENTERTAINMENT and love to watch all those BOX-OFFICE?!?
My boyfriend told me that it's called "I hate America" syndrome... American is bored by the all GOD-know-bright-future America would probably have as the richest-most powerful nation on earth, so we make GOD-permit-all-bleak-future America might have... and deep inside us, we agree that all and enjoy the whole "show" because it's "entertaining" us...!?
What do you all think then? (Hopefully) GOD (still) bless America...
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