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Is the war-zone away ?

2007-10-16 01:15:15 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-10-15 14:54:32 · 14 answers · asked by Mimi 6

Lets say you saw me on the street and you knew that I am Mimi, what would you do. I amgine that there was no law and feel free to say whatever you want.
If your answer is polite, I like it and if it is rude it will just make me laugh so in all cases, I will like your answer.

2007-10-15 14:52:15 · 18 answers · asked by Mimi 6

If yes, what do you think of him; will he be a good leader?

2007-10-14 23:42:02 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

Example 1:
In 1948 Jewish terrorists assassinated Count Folke Bernadotte of Sweden as he sought to bring peace to the Middle East. His three-car convoy had been stopped at a small improvised roadblock in Jewish-controlled West Jerusalem when two gunmen began shooting out the tires of the cars and a third gunman thrust a Schmeisser automatic pistol through the open back window of Bernadotte's Chrysler. The 54-year-old diplomat, sitting on the right in the back, was hit by six bullets and died instantly. A French officer sitting next to Bernadotte was killed accidentally.

Example 2:
On June 8, 1967, US Navy intelligence ship USS Liberty was suddenly and brutally attacked on the high seas in international waters by the air and naval forces of Israel. The Israeli forces attacked with full knowledge that this was an American ship and lied about it. Survivors have been forbidden for 40 years to tell their story

2007-10-14 22:10:42 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

I read this here : http://www.ujc.org/page.html?ArticleID=158183

"According to the draft, a conversion must take place in a “recognized Jewish community,” and the convert must participate in a conversion course lasting at least nine months. In exceptional cases, when the course lasted fewer than nine months, the ministry will demand certification that it entailed at least 350 hours of study. In some cases the local rabbinical court will be allowed to explain why the convert studied for a shorter period.

Advocates for converts say the proposed regulations would codify an existing illegal policy that discriminates against Jews by choice. All other Jews (as well as non-Jews who can prove a Jewish grandparent) are eligible for immediate Israeli citizenship under the Law of Return. "

2007-10-14 22:09:32 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

Nothing wrong with exchanging different political views on certain subjects. But would it not be a nice idea to exchange some pics/links where we are from?

Please visit the following link:

That's where I live. Please share some pics of you home country, too. We are here in the travel section, right?:))

Take care and have a nice week!

2007-10-14 07:43:54 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

What do these statistics mean to you?

More than one Palestinian in two favours recognition of Israel, more than two thirds want negotiations to start again, and four fifths want to main maintain the truce. Most also don't agree with the protests over the Muhammad caricatures in front of the European Union bureaus in Gaza and the United Nations bureaus in Hebron.

More information can be found in this site:

2007-10-14 07:43:01 · 17 answers · asked by Mimi 6

2007-10-14 06:37:02 · 12 answers · asked by Mimi 6

Since we Jews control the media, the US, the UK, the EU, China (I have just learned), and probably India, Russia, and Brazil for good measure (oh and btw the Saudi Royal family I hear is really a bunch of Jews secretly anyway) what is left for us to take over. Any suggestion?

2007-10-13 10:41:20 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

Family of boy killed by IDF donates his organs for peace
By Amos Harel and Arnon Regular, Ha'aretz, November 6, 2005

The family of Ahmed al-Khatib, a 12 year old fatally shot last week by Israeli troops who mistook his toy gun for a real rifle, have donated his organs at a Haifa hospital "for the sake of peace between peoples."

His organs helped save the lives of six patients. His heart was given to a 12-year-old girl; his liver was divided in two and given to two patients, a six-month old baby and a 56-year-old woman; his kidneys were given to a 5-year-old boy and his lungs were given to a 5-year-old boy and a 4-year-old girl, Israel Radio reported.

The boy died of his wounds on Saturday.

Dr. Tzvi Ben-Yishai, a spokesman for Rambam Medical Center in Haifa, where Khatib had been treated, said that the boy's parents decided to donate his organs "to bring hearts closer and bring peace closer."

2007-10-13 09:26:34 · 9 answers · asked by Mimi 6

According to the anti-Semites we Jews control the media, the Governments of the USA, UK, and many other western nations - yet these guys still come on here and print their comments. How can they do this if we Jews are all so great and powerful? Could it be they are simply liars and cowards who make up for their personal inadequacies by being bullies or simply obnoxious pinheads who like to use Jews to scapegoat all their own problems? Amazing I think this latter point of mine is on point. What do you think?

2007-10-13 08:46:32 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am planning to move to Israel in about 10 years. I have a BA in Spanish. Will this be recognized in Israel? I know in a lot of cases in the USA outside universities are not recognized, therefore the immigrant's degree is unfortuneately worthless here. Should I get another degree before I go? Maybe in Business or Nursing? What are the in demand jobs there?

2007-10-13 08:05:03 · 7 answers · asked by Sa 2

2007-10-12 09:47:11 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-10-12 08:25:09 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

The concert is set up by the organization One Voice, Bryan Adams will also sing in the West Bank in Jerico. It is a concert for peace. It will also be broadcast via satellite in Washington, Ottawa, and London. Other stars are included. Just interested if anyone else likes him? And will go?


2007-10-12 06:19:59 · 6 answers · asked by HopelessZ00 6

And when is it?

2007-10-11 14:34:19 · 5 answers · asked by Mimi 6

Someone under the name Gam Zo Letovah today refused my invitation to join in positive and peaceable discussion on this forum, stating that my own willingness to do so amounts to dangerous naivety.

Is he/she right? Is it complete folly to make any attempt to improve inter-faith relations? Worse still, is it actually dangerous to try to do so? What damage might such forum chat cause?

Have any of you been positively affected by anything anyone has said in this forum, which has made you view members of other races or religions with a little less anger and suspicion? Or has your overall experience merely intensified them?

Do you think peacemakers are wasting their breath, both here and in the world outside?

2007-10-11 11:17:20 · 9 answers · asked by Londoner In Israel 3

I know its not R/S but this is the place I would meet most Jewish brothers and sisters, I want answers from.


2007-10-10 19:41:23 · 22 answers · asked by answers 3

What if I go straight from the US, and leave my Saudi passport back in the US.

I just love to travel and meet new people, and I'm thinking of possibly visiting Tel Aviv and Jerusalem some time next year.

Of course if I were asked by the immigration people at the airport about my Arabic name and whether I hold another passport, I would have to be truthful....

2007-10-09 15:25:04 · 6 answers · asked by Mark 5

2007-10-09 12:45:14 · 6 answers · asked by courtney 1

Could anyone give me any inforamtion on the administrative divisions in Israel...if you don't know what i mean, im talking about things like states, like you know california state or if your australian i mean something like the state of queens land. Any info on this please?

Also in the West Bank, there around a quarter of a million settlers (250 000 ppl in other words)

How are they represented in the parliament or im guessing its called the Knesset?

Are palestinain's from the West Bank every asked to come to speak to the Knesset about things in the west bank, because as we know what Israel in the west bank in regard to settlements deeply effects the palestinians?

Are they ever consulted on what the IDF does or on the status of any settlements?

2007-10-09 12:38:38 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

If I recall correctly, Israel has never lost a war in its entire history. But many people conclude that Hezbollah defeated Israel last year.

Was Israel finally defeated in battle?

2007-10-09 12:16:07 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

Is it tel Aviv or Jerusalem ?
I am confused a bit about it.
please make my confusion clear.
thank you.

2007-10-09 09:24:50 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

I will be visiting Israel for a week and undertstand that Petra is nearby. How would I cross over to Jordan? What is the nearest city in Israel to Petra, Jordan and is it difficult to drive over?

2007-10-09 01:52:46 · 6 answers · asked by MrGin 2

Who was the Senior Israeli officer that said "In order to beat the Palestinians, let's do what the Nazi's did."??

just dont deny it was said.

2007-10-08 20:33:36 · 8 answers · asked by Rabia^_^ 3

that turns a forum about travel into a mini global hidepark for politics, mud slinging and soapboxing?

2007-10-08 20:28:02 · 10 answers · asked by joe the man 7

We all know that God created us equally and that he loves all his creation. Some Jews think that because they are God's chosen people, they are better than other people and favoured by God? I concluded that from some of the answers I have seen here on Yahoo Answers. If you think I am wrong please correct me.
I would like to hear your definition of God's Chosen People.
Thank you in advance

2007-10-08 12:58:01 · 13 answers · asked by Mimi 6

2007-10-08 10:49:52 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

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