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[Selected]: All categories Sports Winter Sports Snowboarding

I snowboard regularly and the season just started up again. I ride goofy, and can jump and land fine, I can throw a grab too, but I'm not sure which way I feel more comfortable spinning. Which way is easier to learn on? I am goofy, so I don't know if I should be spinning to my left or to my right. Any help for a beginner at aerial spins would help..

2007-12-22 08:14:56 · 2 answers · asked by trick 4

in about 5'1 and 103 lbs.

2007-12-22 03:59:23 · 4 answers · asked by Jessica B 1

a cute & cheap snowboarding jacket?
cheap being less than 100 dollars (:

thanks (:
pictures pleaseeee

2007-12-22 02:20:30 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

okay so i'm getting a season pass and snowboarding equipement for christmas and i wanna know if is really hard to learn or not.
can u tell me anything i should know about.
i know i stand on a board and go down a slope, to all you funny funny people;)

2007-12-22 01:38:23 · 4 answers · asked by ikb<3 2

I have underarmour coldgear and columbia pants. Should I wear some form of mid layer or is it unecessary? I also have underarmour socks that are made for snowboarding will they be enough? My upper body once again is a underarmour coldgear mock turtleneck and a 85% polyester hoodie underneath. Then my jacket.

2007-12-21 16:03:23 · 5 answers · asked by Ducky 3

I have heard a lot of different things from people on this. I was told to wear swishy pants or snow pants because I will be falling a lot. I was also told that I shouldn't wear a cotton sweater? So yeah if someone could tell me what I should wear for tomorow, I'd love you to bits.

2007-12-21 10:43:41 · 5 answers · asked by osbdevil 2

im thinkin of bein a snowboardin instructor wen i leave school coz its the best damn thing on this planet

how do i go about doing this? i want b able to toggle between that in the winter and surfing in the summer.... if at all possible

2007-12-21 09:22:24 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous

So, I know I'm going to sound stupid asking all these questions, but I really do suck at snowboarding :( So if you can give me tips on any of my following issues, I would really appreciate it!

-I don't know how to skate the snow, like when I'm just going through the line to the lifts. It's always short strides and jerky, and I can never get the board directed to where I want to go.

- Getting on the lifts, I get so freaked out because as it starts going up, my board usually carries snow and drags behind, and I feel like I'm going to fall of the chair. One time, I actually did, that was not even cool =/

- My feet start to hurt so much when I'm going down the hill and I'm not good at turning.

I'm not sure how specific my problems I just described are, but if you can help on the skating and getting on lifts, I would more thatn appreciate it. Thanks!

2007-12-21 09:10:30 · 1 answers · asked by Jane Eyre 2

i fell in love with snowboarding in april, and i've been beggin my mum to go again but we cant afford it this year, but maybe the year after. any way of keeping it in the legs? i skiid 3 times and the second time i went i forgot everything. how can i stop this with snowboarding? iv taken up skateboarding and i surf....

2007-12-21 09:07:49 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous

Hey guys,
I'm an intermediate snowboarder who's borrowed equipment until this year. I just bought a Ride Control 158 '05 board and set it up with basic plastic strap in bindings.

I was strapped in, and testing the flex of the board (only the slightest lean each way on the board) and when I brought my right heel up, I would hear a creaking noise coming from the board. It almost sounded like the binding was just loose and pulling on the board a little too much, but I checked the binding bolts, they were all tight.

Can anyone explain if this might be a defective board, or if this a normal sound to hear? I'll be going boarding in 2 days so I'll eventually find out. But just wondering if I'm going to break my board out there or something.


2007-12-21 07:25:48 · 1 answers · asked by ninjitsui1 2


I need a new board and I am not sure what size or kind to get. I am 5'6" and 150 pounds. Any Ideas? And how much doe would it cost.

2007-12-20 15:00:46 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

can anyone give me good step by step directions how to build one.. and a list of everything ill need?

2007-12-20 13:55:00 · 2 answers · asked by melissa 3

I used to snowboard, approx. 3 years ago but I outgrew my old snowboard. I just purchased a new snowboard online, a Forum Raider 163 cm. The board is more of a freestyle board. But my question is can I still use it for just riding down the mountain? I mean I know I can but will it stink performance wise? Will I notice a huge difference in getting a freestyle board rather than a freeride board? I won't be doing tricks any time soon. Thanks.

2007-12-20 13:54:46 · 2 answers · asked by Len F 1

i'm just wondering. thank you!

2007-12-20 13:41:44 · 2 answers · asked by Pineapples aren't quiet Strawberries!! 7

the store names would be great

2007-12-20 08:13:58 · 4 answers · asked by xpgzee 1

2007-12-19 21:35:29 · 8 answers · asked by MR FRANCIS A Dtootie 1

i'm 6'2" and 210 with size 13 boots and i have no idea what size to get???

2007-12-19 17:55:17 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

im trying to mount the bindings but the screws seem to be too short. i would think there would be no such problems since both are ride brand. do i just take it all to a local shop and have them install it?

2007-12-19 14:15:54 · 3 answers · asked by alex l 1

I want one that is good for ramps and rails.

2007-12-19 13:45:40 · 8 answers · asked by Mr. Beast 2

if i wanted to remove an old stomp pad and put a new one on my board-- what is the best way of going about doing it so that my board doesn't get messed up in any way!?

2007-12-19 05:40:29 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

i havent gone this winter and i didnt pay enough attention last winter to see if i did but i heard from someone that somehow u tan at a snow resort..is this true? ever happen to you?

2007-12-19 05:21:10 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

the shell is 100% nylon
the insulation is 50% ball polyfill
40% feather
10% down
and lining is 100% polyester

2007-12-18 07:19:00 · 4 answers · asked by Steve 1

I was just wondering what a good material would be for the top.

2007-12-17 12:11:00 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

I need to get a snowboard for my snowboarding trip and I need help with which one would best suit me. I need a board that will last around 4 years. A board that is nicely made and also pretty graphics.

These are the boards ive seen that I might buy if you would.. please tell me with which I should go with






2007-12-17 10:38:12 · 3 answers · asked by Tanned Blonde 2

my son is a size 12 shoe .what size would he be for snow boots?this is a gift

2007-12-17 03:53:35 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous

hey, well i just got a pair of Burton Custom and I have to say, they look fantastic :D.
Well anyways, I installed my bindings on my snowboard and they look nice. Heres the problem....
I seem to have installed the baseplate upside down to each other. Like

the first image is my left binding (front) and


the second image is my right binding (back)
as one can see, the base plates have is opposite of another. Because there was like 4 arrows on side on the circles, i got confused when i put them :S.
I'm wander if i should reinstall the bindings or is it okay if I leave it like this. These are burton baseplate, unidisk.

Thank you for your help :D

2007-12-17 02:18:41 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-12-16 13:21:45 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

Im gettin into snowboarding and i want to stay warm haha. I know burton toaster/baker mitts are warm

But what about jackets i have a helix and it keeps me pretty warm. Oh and prefferably one that not to expensive

Snow pants- all work fine for me my legs dont really ever get cold

2007-12-16 09:48:26 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

When I snowboard I do wide turns. When I watch other people snowboard they do short fast turns. This technique of turning makes them go faster. When I try to do turns like that it makes me loose my balence and I fall. Also my body won't let me do those fast turns. Also when I turn, my front leg gets alot of pressure when I turn.Can some one help give me advice?

2007-12-16 06:58:16 · 4 answers · asked by Arnold M 1