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Formula One · Indy Racing League (IRL) · NASCAR · Other - Auto Racing

... Did it seem like to you that Clint Bowyer just didn't believe in himself enough in 2007? Will this year be an eye opener for him in 2008 to be a little more aggressive?

2007-12-04 09:51:12 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in NASCAR

2007-12-04 09:33:07 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in NASCAR

And if so would his presence in the V8 Supercars boost the Aussie sport world wide?

If no opinion then what is the formula for converting horsepower to kangaroo power? ...2 to 1 or 3 to 1?

2007-12-04 09:22:36 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in NASCAR

... your driver said his car was too loose? How many diffrent ways could you fix it?

What would "YOU" do?

2007-12-04 08:30:14 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in NASCAR

A few days ago I asked an open question about how someone can be the best for 26 races and still lose to someone who gets lucky or runs the best over just 10 races , less than 1/3 of the races. Several people tried to compare NASCAR to baseball, football, basketball and so on. That is the stupidest argument in the world. None of those sports are setup anything like NASCAR. In their "playoffs" only cerntain teams are allowed in. NASCAR still lets 43 drivers compete every race. No loser team in baseball can effect the outcome of a playoff game. Secondly the team with the best records usually are rewarded with bye games or home court advantage. In NASCAR our best team was penalized by 20 points. So please stop comaring NASCAR to other sports cause it doesn't work. The only thing that comes close is Track because it's an individual sport even though you are on a team.

2007-12-04 05:44:34 · 21 answers · asked by 3x8=24 1 in NASCAR

man why does nascar always got to end something when it is starting to get good. Nascar greedy ways is going to be the end of them

2007-12-04 03:51:21 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in NASCAR

I'm going with Kevin Harvick. After winning the Daytona 500 in dramatic fashion, there wasn't much else memorable last season.

2007-12-04 01:30:05 · 21 answers · asked by Jay 7 in NASCAR

The '07 season was very forgettable for this first year multicar team. What are we going to see for 2008?

2007-12-04 00:42:49 · 17 answers · asked by Jay 7 in NASCAR

2007-12-03 10:56:13 · 41 answers · asked by joshrb10 1 in NASCAR

Sure, they didn't win very much (I'm proud to say I witnesses a Panoz LMP900 win at Mid-Ohio), but they were such unique cars, and brought pride to those Americans who didn't wish to conform to NASCAR like most of the typical Americans.

Plus, who ever thought a front engined-prototype could do so well in the 21st century. The last time a front engined prototype was successful was maybe in the 1960's?

Provide your thoughts about the Panoz LMP, and if you think they should come back (besides, I think Audi's getting bored of not having any level LMP 1 competition).

Yeah, yeah, I know, you're going to say RS Spyder blah blah blah, but that doesn't count.

2007-12-03 09:05:44 · 4 answers · asked by Colin 4 in Other - Auto Racing

Don't you think they have had enough time off... I have nothing to watch on sunday ( not a football fan) I have a need for speed and need to watch Nascar...
They need to start in January.. not waiting til Febuary.. they can go back to Phoenix to race of Vegas where its warm....
How bout You???

2007-12-03 08:15:40 · 18 answers · asked by str8putter 4 in NASCAR

What legal documents are needed?
I plan to buy a piece of open land and i want to make it into a motor race track since. I really dont know where to go from here so any help would be really appreciated.

2007-12-03 06:13:13 · 9 answers · asked by mariana_maciel 1 in Other - Auto Racing

I am 5'4 and slim and I don't know if i should get an adult small or medium. What do u think? It's a Trix The Bunny NASCAR jacket.

2007-12-03 05:19:10 · 10 answers · asked by the_one_skippy 2 in NASCAR

Isn't he suppose to have a small track set up at his house?

2007-12-03 04:45:01 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous in NASCAR

what is the average weight of a formula 1 car?

2007-12-03 02:32:50 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Formula One

Since the people here constantly ***** about how easy an F1 car is to drive and how crap the drivers are maybe you should watch this video of Richard Hammond from top gear trying simpy to move one. Hes a pretty decent driver of normal cars, probably much better than any of us. He has driven stock type cars before and didnt have much trouble. I read someone here last week say any monkey could drive an f1 car. Now imagine if he was trying to go fast.

Still think F1 is easy?

2007-12-03 00:04:50 · 23 answers · asked by grrrrrrroooooooooovy 2 in NASCAR

2007-12-03 00:02:25 · 10 answers · asked by Cousin IT 1 in NASCAR

Now before everyone says "hey they all knew the format before the season started". I just think the chase "waters-down" the champ. Lets face it you don't have to be the best you just have to be the best (or luckiest) for less than 1/3 of the season. To further my point Clint Boyer got outperformed by 11 other guys for 26 races but ended up 3rd cause he didn't have any major problems. Jimmie's nice but i'm sorry, in my mind you have to be the best all year to actually be the best.

2007-12-02 15:14:49 · 29 answers · asked by 3x8=24 1 in NASCAR

did the new nascar season start yet cant wait to see jr blow up or demolish his new car. can wait for the day hendrick fires him

2007-12-02 13:37:18 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Auto Racing

Do they just lock them up in the shop areas or do they have a special building at each track to hold the cars?

Or what?

2007-12-02 13:15:33 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in NASCAR


Are there any other Nascar fans out there? If so who is your favorite driver? Mine's Jimmie Johnson!

2007-12-02 12:05:45 · 48 answers · asked by Anonymous in NASCAR

He is such a great driver and tries so hard, does anyone think he is Championship material besides me?

2007-12-02 11:59:19 · 23 answers · asked by nascarfan31 4 in NASCAR

I am so hoping so!!!!

GO RCR!!!!!!

2007-12-02 11:28:50 · 21 answers · asked by nascarfan31 4 in NASCAR

what station? thanks

2007-12-02 11:25:54 · 5 answers · asked by kstarr63 1 in NASCAR

I know every driver is under contract and gets a percentage, does anybody know the ballpark figure, and does he get all of the pt fund money

2007-12-02 11:19:09 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in NASCAR

2007-12-02 10:59:36 · 4 answers · asked by ttolbertty 1 in NASCAR

hi i have a sined pic of dale earnhart sr i was wondering how much is it worth does any body know how much is worth does any body have a seven time nascar winston cup champion dale earnhardt sr sined pic of dale earnhart sr it shows dale earnhart and some guy in a black jacket and black pants and it shows his crew and his car and a big trophy in thee pic and at the bottom it says goodwrench service on it i cant find that pic any where please help me...............

2007-12-02 09:23:47 · 7 answers · asked by josh 1 in NASCAR

Death of a daredevil: The extraordinary, magnificent life of Evel Knievel
The stunt rider had an unrivalled ability to attract trouble.

Published: 02 December 2007
There will have to be a nominal cause recorded on the death certificate of Robert Craig "Evel" Knievel, who died on Friday aged 69, but it is unlikely to be as complete as it should. There isn't the space. So, unencumbered by the restraints of US form-filling, here is what should be there: diabetes, pulmonary fibrosis, two strokes, hepatitis C, a hip replacement, arthritis, liver transplant, 38 formerly shattered bones, including a seven-times-broken back, twice-crushed pelvis and frequently fractured legs, plus several comas, one lasting 29 days.

This is one man that even John Wayne wished he could be like. He carved a name for himself that deservingly need's to be remembered forever in American history. He was the extreme sports ambassador before the sport was ever invented. He was Evil Knievel.

2007-12-02 08:25:45 · 16 answers · asked by Frankie Coletta 5 in NASCAR

2007-12-02 08:01:02 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in NASCAR