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Sure, they didn't win very much (I'm proud to say I witnesses a Panoz LMP900 win at Mid-Ohio), but they were such unique cars, and brought pride to those Americans who didn't wish to conform to NASCAR like most of the typical Americans.

Plus, who ever thought a front engined-prototype could do so well in the 21st century. The last time a front engined prototype was successful was maybe in the 1960's?

Provide your thoughts about the Panoz LMP, and if you think they should come back (besides, I think Audi's getting bored of not having any level LMP 1 competition).

Yeah, yeah, I know, you're going to say RS Spyder blah blah blah, but that doesn't count.

2007-12-03 09:05:44 · 4 answers · asked by Colin 4 in Sports Auto Racing Other - Auto Racing

4 answers

yep me too, and don't forget the Cadillac LMP1 car, but more than that i miss the diversity that the p1 class had a few years ago, Audi, Bentley, Pescarello, Lola/Judd's, and Dyson, as well as the Panoz and Cadillac, now its so bland, same story with GT1, who'd have thought 10 years ago that p2 and gt2 would steal the lime light in today's Le Mans racing

2007-12-07 05:30:09 · answer #1 · answered by eyesinthedrk 6 · 0 0

I really miss the Panoz LMP cars. But it was a struggle to be competitive and stand with there design. I remember Panoz's basis for there car was to be an American built front engine LMP car. It was great but with competition was to strong for that car. I believe they had to compete to the likes of the Ferrari 333SP, BMW LM V-12, Audi R8, ORECA, Dome, Courage.

All these cars were backed by big manufactuers. Although it was good that they tried to compete as the only LMP American car.

2007-12-03 15:52:00 · answer #2 · answered by carve the canyon 4 · 1 0

I really miss the old Ford Mustang Probe Prototype, the one Lynn St.James destroyed, the one that had the plastic block 4 cyl.

2007-12-03 13:09:38 · answer #3 · answered by . 5 · 1 0

I am all for an American car but what can you do

2007-12-03 09:18:05 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0