For the POrtugal -England match FIFA cyuld have chosen a referee from Janpan, or Sweden, or from Peru, or from the USA or Canada... from anywhere BUT from a country that could benefit from the weakest team winning. The referee chosen by FIFA for the Portugal -v- England game is from Argentina, a country that could very well face the winners of Portugal/England !! Are we being forced by FIFA to trust a referree not to fall into the the temptation to help what the Argentinian referee considers the weakest team to help his country, Argetnina ? Isn't all this a joke ?! Isn't it asking too much of the Argentinian referee who could be TEMPTED to fall on the side of England in his decisions, to bring to his country the weakest team and the easiest team to win against ? Is it asking too much of FIFA to be METICULOUS with their choices of referee for such a vital match ? You views ?
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FIFA World Cup (TM)