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Religion & Spirituality - 29 December 2007

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I do! I cant bleve so many pppl actually dont! I have been a christian for a long time now and i luv it! Its so sad that when u try 2 tell ppl how 2 bcome a christian, they laugh in ur face, say a smart remark, ect. Its horrible! Im not letting any1 change my mind about being a christian, and loving and bleving in God. I kno im doing the right thing by atleast TRYING to witness to other ppl, its there choice not 2 listen i guesss, making it there choice 2 go 2 hell. So
Do you bleve in God?

2007-12-29 17:55:14 · 31 answers · asked by Omgitsme 2

i MIGHT have said f**king jesus a few years ago out loud to make it worse, so i wouldn't worry about it saying it in my mind numerous times, plus i was getting frustrated saying over and over in my mind with something that i don't want to deal with
i said it unintentionally in my mind, but is saying it out loud intentional towards jesus?
i am pretty sure that i only said the f word out loud and his name in my mind or even just the f word or part of the f word

all the other blasphemies that i did are unintentional(i have a mental illness called ocd), but the above that i explained was intentional, not intentional towards jesus or god, but just to do it, so i wouldn't worry about saying it in my mind numerous times and also i was frustrated with it

im christian and never had anything against him

2007-12-29 17:50:32 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

Said I'd stop at three on questions about the rabbi Pharisees. Well I lied. MomPJ, I take it your Jewish? I was raised very orthodox Roman Catholic. Agnostic nowadays. Have a couple of drops of Jewish blood on my mother's side. They were Catholic and ate pork however. It's pretty obvious neither I, nor any Christian, has a clue as to what a Pharisee was??? Why do you think this Jesus, "son of man" was so against them??? Would love to hear your thoughts?

2007-12-29 17:48:26 · 3 answers · asked by JIMMY 3

Why should I be afraid of the devil ? People have told me to watch out for the demonic attacks. My Dad has lots of guns. Ill just shoot that dude if he shows up around here.

2007-12-29 17:42:30 · 26 answers · asked by ? 2

What if Atheist's brains and cognitive abilities are different from those of theists. Like what if we adapted to cope with the "fear of death" and a higher form of skeptical thinking.
Do you think we might be evolving into a higher form of thinking? Or is Atheism a completely environmental thing.

2007-12-29 17:39:52 · 25 answers · asked by Rian B 3

I am obviously no biologist or scientist, but have always wondered if there were people lets say 100 or more years ago that look just like us. I realize there will be different parents, elements, dna, etc. I know they say we all have a twin out there, I met mine when I was 12, but who knows if she looks like me now. So I was wondering what are your beliefs or knowledge on that, if any?

2007-12-29 17:38:30 · 6 answers · asked by Loosid 6

For starts, I think we should have an option of how we would like to be punished for eternity. The whole fire and brimstone thing is a bit cliche. The list could look something like this:
A. burn in a pit of fire for all eternity
B. be forced to listen to Celine Dion albums for all eternity
C. be mauled by cats for all eternity

Also, I think we should get holidays off. Do you have any other recommendations?

2007-12-29 17:37:49 · 29 answers · asked by lindsey p 5

that says she wants to commit suicide to proof God existence and asked whether we want to join her,a few days ago?is she around?I want to ask her something.thanks

2007-12-29 17:34:18 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

1: why is there and old testament and a new testament?
2: which one do u folo
3: if jesus is god, or son of god, then why is he killed by his own creation?
4: does it really makes sense that the world is a few thousand years old?
5: Isnt there many Christians murderer / terrorist
6: why is it that scholl massacres only happen is christian countries

2007-12-29 17:32:54 · 8 answers · asked by azim_cymo 3

2007-12-29 17:32:50 · 9 answers · asked by Adyghe Ha'Yapheh-Phiyah 6

i dont belive in evolution, but i want to know how you think.

How will the earth be destroyed?
Big Freeze, Heat death, Big Rip, Big Crunch, Big Bounce, False vacuum.


2007-12-29 17:32:43 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-12-29 17:29:50 · 11 answers · asked by ladyheart 1

Keep fighting the good fight; little Nicole's going to bed.


2007-12-29 17:27:40 · 20 answers · asked by Nicole the atheist angel 2

The word "Allah" is the perfect description of the "One God" of monotheism for Jews, Christians and Muslims!

Is "Allah" only for Islam and Muslims?
[No! It is for All Three Abrahamic Faiths.]

"Allah" is the same word used by Christian Arabs and Jewish Arabs in their Bible, centuries before Islam came.

On page one [1] of Genesis in the Old Testament, we find the word "Allah" seventeen [17] times.

Every hotel and motel has a Bible. Next time you see one look in the introduction, you will find samples of the different languages they have translated. For Arabic they have translated the verse in the New Testament in Arabic from the famous verse in the Gospel John 3:16 -

"For God so loved the world . . . "
- and the word the translators used in Arabic for "God" is the very same word used by Muslims around the planet, "Allah."
Where Does the word "Allah" Come From?

"Allah" comes from the Arabic word "elah"a god' or something worshiped. - (Arabic) means '

wt do u think?

2007-12-29 17:27:33 · 29 answers · asked by MNA 2

It may have been taken away but have you noticed ever since then schools have gone bad? And society keeps falling into a pit hole. Connection maybe?

2007-12-29 17:26:11 · 22 answers · asked by ... 5

Christian churches generally teach that polygamy was only allowed in the old testament but Jesus changed the law and no says that polygamy is a sin, this is also assumed that having women on the side or concumbines is also included with polygamy as well. In 1 cor 7:2 it seems to imply even more supposed evidence of this by saying "each Man should should his OWN wife, and wife her OWN husband" that word "OWN" supposidly is implying "only one" but if you look at the greek on each occasion on that word "OWN" there are entirely different meanings of this word. for the man's part that word "own" only means "his or himself" so that word "own" should not be there. but for the womans side that word literally means "one own" so it should say this this "each man has his wife, each woman has her OWN husband". in the old testament men could have many wives but women not allowed to do this. Why is Paul seeming to imply here that polygamy is ok? why are christian churches saying that polygamy is bad

2007-12-29 17:26:04 · 6 answers · asked by galbro48026 3

They claim they are pagan free but I've heard they keep many pagan traditions. Which ones?

2007-12-29 17:25:43 · 21 answers · asked by Tanya Pants 2

atheist, if you are a Christian or any kind of religion for that matter?

religious person if you are an atheist?

My favorite fictional atheist is Dr. House, such a lovable jerk!

2007-12-29 17:25:16 · 18 answers · asked by Thrice Blessed 6

The CHurch of the Ephesians lived in a very rich culture
and was mixed up with the
adulterous affairs of the heathen religions,
cult temple worshippers were on the whole "loose" men and women

they fell out of the Love of God and followed a variant form of worship that was very promiscuous

and , that would be todays day and sickening age

2007-12-29 17:25:01 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous

I was brought up Christian. The same lines pounded in my head with no proof, just testimonials. I am not convinced its any different than any other world religion. To me they all seem made up. Heaven & Hell (carrot & stick). It requires blind faith and a threat you if you don't believe as they want you to. Can someone say something that will help me to get beyond this doubt. I just can not force myself to lie to myself for the comfort of believing that life won't end when I die.

2007-12-29 17:24:30 · 11 answers · asked by Randall P 1

2007-12-29 17:22:59 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous


Ok we reached the 30th and he hasn't appeared in the eastern sky anyone care to guess the the odds Jesus is going to show up by midnight tommorow?

2007-12-29 17:21:57 · 27 answers · asked by triton 4

In the world?

2007-12-29 17:21:39 · 18 answers · asked by Darth Nihilus 5

I think there has been a misunderstanding. There are two laws. Human law; law with flaw, and Divine Law; law with no flaw. Ultimately, since Divine Law has no flaw, no imperfection is present at any given time (Past, Present, Future). And which means, it will not have means to an end, since it is perpetual. Human law on the other hand, tends to follow the principle of "temporal convenience" [ie. Live for the moment] over "Divine Law". This group of entitites label themselves as Atheists who think they know everything.

Even though in fact, no correlation is made between what they have to say and that of what is true. They do not realize truth cannot be contested, but yet they keep trying. Nothing but a bunch of Snitches.

There are two kinds of people; Ones' who have something to say, and Ones' who have to say something. I think Atheists are the latter.

Am I right here?

2007-12-29 17:21:12 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

^v^ ^v^ ^v^ ^v^ ^v^ ^v^ ^v^ ^v^

Other faiths/non-faiths?

Please state your own faith/non-faith position, too.

^v^ ^v^ ^v^ ^v^ ^v^ ^v^ ^v^ ^v^

2007-12-29 17:20:25 · 13 answers · asked by NHBaritone 7

Anyone, Christians, Catholic, Mormons, Jews, Islams, Buddhists, Atheists, Agnostics. Why did you become this? It seems a lot of people just take and accept their parents religion, almost as if it was a biological trait handed down. Is it wrong if someone says that they are "half-anything" just because one of their parents is one religion and the other is a different one.

Did you ever take the time to read up on other beliefs and other stories of other religions, just to see if maybe their version of "it" makes a little more sense to you than what you were "handed down"?

This is honestly a question, and not an accusation

2007-12-29 17:18:17 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

I went through a terrible moot point, when I was molested as a youngster by two people (one i trusted, the other I didn't know), and then I went through this terrible depression during my teen years. During this whole time, I questioned, and wondered how could there be a God who would allow this. So I sorta started disbelieving. But now, as I got older and wiser (well just started happening recently), I started to realize there was probably a reason all that happened. Maybe God somewhat caused all that to make me stronger, and to help others who fall in the same path.

But you see, I'm not sure if I turned my back on God, and I was reading that it is considered something that will never be forgiven. I've always known something existed, but wasn't quite sure who. I also haven't gone to church in years. I don't really do any "mortal" sins, but yea.

Will be forgiven? O.o

[feels stupid asking this on an online board]

But yea, I'm going to confession on Thursday. Let's see how that goes

2007-12-29 17:16:46 · 12 answers · asked by krivera_fierro 3

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