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Religion & Spirituality - 3 December 2007

[Selected]: All categories Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

If someone came up to me and told me that he follows a religion that permit killing (and u can find traces of that in every religion) ,
should i respect him?

2007-12-03 02:02:29 · 10 answers · asked by Kalipso 4

When we so easily surrender to a surgeon, pilot etc!

2007-12-03 02:00:53 · 30 answers · asked by anil m 6

I have come to believe that as a saved Christian, we need to go to church to learn the word of God, study, and develop a relationship, witness, etc. But I'm finding that increasingly difficult as there seems to be so many hypocrites in church. It seems like such a distraction when there seems to be so many lost souls there who claim to be saved. How and when will I know when I'm at a decent church? I'd love to find one where the people were friendly, but not nosey. The last church I visited, one man came up and asked if I was married and where my husband was. I felt like saying, "It's none of your business." I'm just trying to find a church where I can learn and not be sucked into the gossiping, backstabbing circle of nasties. If anyone who might answer this is a church member, how do you deal with those types and what makes you feel that is the right church for you?

2007-12-03 01:59:48 · 13 answers · asked by mothertrucker67 2

The Jehovah's witnesses are nothing more than a cult. These people have lied consistently about their history, covered-up child molestations, elder abuse,a nd the high suicide rate in favor of lies. There is no such thing as a paradise. Why do people think we are in space? We cannot survive long-term on this planet. It is just one of the many lies of this dangerous cult. I advise anyone to see such sites as E-watchman, Watchtower Information Service, Silentlambs.org, and Youtube. If you go to youtube, please put in the seacrh engine "The Watchtower is a cult" or " Jehovah's Witnesses are a cult". Please leave me any answers/feedback you have regarding this lying cult. Also, please see the Ekstra Bladet. They have written numerous articles about the lies of the Watchtower, and have even sent reporters to their world headquarters numerous times. These people are dangerous.

2007-12-03 01:59:05 · 11 answers · asked by davis-marquise P 1

I have never heard a evolutionist attack creationism, they just show evidence for their theory. Why do creationists never show any evidence for their theory, just spend there time trying to pick holes in evolution?

2007-12-03 01:55:12 · 38 answers · asked by Birdy is my real name 6

I swear, if it wasn't for the VTs, I wouldn't make my regular appearances on R & S. You're all awesome and have treated me with respect regardless of what I may believe.

So I say to you, please stand up and be counted!! :)

Extra credit: What does AM stand for?

2007-12-03 01:54:48 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

every time I ask about Proof I get only mambo jumbo like , "look in your heart"! yeah that is gonna happen ,or "your soul will tell"! when I took anatomy physiology for 3 semesters there was no soul to speak of!
I would like some real evidence today !

How about it christians ?????or muslims for that matter????

2007-12-03 01:54:39 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous

...brings someone back from the dead, is able to replicate the process, and it becomes commercialized.....what will religion say then as to the factuality of 'miracles'? Will this take away from your faith that god's existence is even a reasonable possiblility?

2007-12-03 01:52:29 · 16 answers · asked by 12th 3

And if so, how can you explain the tablets being in America

2007-12-03 01:50:22 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-12-03 01:49:28 · 15 answers · asked by bbdwaja 1

are they thumping the bible? if so, with what?

or are they thumping other things, and people WITH the bible?

can someone clear this up for me?

2007-12-03 01:48:52 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

Personally, I never gave a crap about Gillian Gibbons. She made her bed, let her lie in it. She knew she was going to a country full of people who are so ashamed of their crappy dysfunctional culture that anything -- ANYTHING -- will drive them into a homicidal rage. And if she didn't know that, she was in a grotesque state of denial.

The lesson is that we need to cut off immigration from muslim countries. We don't need them exporting their poisonous religion here.

90% of the world's immigrants are muslims. They don't want to live in a muslim country, so why should I?

2007-12-03 01:48:07 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

I see it worded so negatively by members of other Religions. They approach it from the viewpoint of us having REJECTED their Religion. I think it's quite the other way around.. We searched for something and Goddess and God let us see the positive and good things about our paths and we grew to ACCEPT them, rather than REJECT the others. I know it's a matter of semantics BUT, both require an active, conscious decision. I didn't reject anything. I simply accepted the beliefs of Witchcraft into my life. It filled a spiritual void that no other Religion offered to fill. It struck a resonant chord with me and I began following Goddess and God and incorporating the principles of the Craft into my life.

How many of YOU REJECTED another Religion as oposed to ACCEPTED your path into your life?

2007-12-03 01:46:45 · 21 answers · asked by Raji the Green Witch 7

can someone tell me why its ok for the non muslims 2go in 2the muslims land and kill them 4there oil and land????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? what does this make the non muslims???

2007-12-03 01:46:24 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-12-03 01:45:10 · 78 answers · asked by El Diablo King Of Kings 3

2007-12-03 01:44:15 · 27 answers · asked by anil m 6

any thoughts---smile and enjoy the day


2007-12-03 01:43:14 · 6 answers · asked by lazaruslong138 6

This time of year is sacred and holy all over the world, and in many different cultures. It may have different meanings in different cultures, but in general it is a time to come together with family and friends, and to honor your God or Gods. I don't care how many different religions have a holiday this time of year -- Jews have Hanuka, Christians have Christmas, Wiccans, Druids, and some other Pagan traditions have Yule or the Winter Solstice. So why are we fighting over it? Why so many questions arguing over the Pagan origins of Christmas, and who "stole" who's holiday? OK, so there are some Christmas traditions that have Pagan origins. So what? I, for one, am willing to share the day. Are you? This should be a time of year where we set aside our differences, and try to get along. So, could we, the people of R&S, agree to share this holiday season peacefully, without arguing over who's holiday it is? Peace on Earth, good will toward your fellow human beings, right?

2007-12-03 01:42:58 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

If someone knows that 'A' person is taking 'B' person 4 a ride........ .....what is the dharma of that someone?
To tell B?
Or to remain a mute spectator?
This Q is more in terms of one's dharma .

Where does that 'someone' person stand in terms of his/her karma ?
Does remaining mute add to one's bad karma account?

But on the other hand telling B abt A may INDIRECTLY cause harm to A(though righteous)
Then does indirect karma affect that someone person?

Pls clarify.abt
Dharma in Kaliyuga.


2007-12-03 01:41:28 · 2 answers · asked by mari 2

A Christian man here on R&S told me he believes I have an Upper Room Anointing. What exactly does that mean?
I have an idea of what it means....

2007-12-03 01:40:11 · 4 answers · asked by Digital Age 6

Shouldn't followers' faith be an all-or-nothing affair? If you ask your God nicely, shouldn't it reciprocate your prayers with what you ask for?

I mean, if God has the time and resources to wipe a village off the map with a mudslide or take out several tens of thousands of people in an earthquake, one answer to a prayer shouldn't be *that* big a deal, should it?

It sounds like faith isn't all it's cracked up to be, since often the followers are the ones who end up cracked.

2007-12-03 01:38:37 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

Just commets on how people think heaven should be

2007-12-03 01:38:12 · 5 answers · asked by Babygirl817 1

if atheists dont believe in jesus, should we believe in the date/year.
what i mean is that the date is based upon the birth of jesus christ superstar, so therefore there is no AD or BC, so surely the year is more like 2,000,000,000.
what do you think?

2007-12-03 01:37:52 · 8 answers · asked by Kruger, Freddy Kruger 6

every day we pray before our soccer game
whats a good prayer or bible verse i can say?

2007-12-03 01:37:25 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

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