I understand that these are religious commandments, but sometimes it seems an almost manic need for validation - I'm sure that's not the case across the board, but I've been cornered by more than a few "believers" with this really scary gleam in their eye, only you can't run, 'cause they really do corner you.
Contrast this to the other religions out there. None of my experience with Wicca and the other Neo-Pagan religions, Buddhism, Hinduism or any of the native religions in South Africa (where I'm from) do this. In fact, if you want to find out from a source other than the "new age" section in the bookshop, you have to go looking for somebody to tell you, and even then they make you work for it.
So what's the difference? Why do the "older" religions seem to be more pluralistic and open to different paths, while the young religions seem to act like the Borg sometimes?
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