You do know how Christians feel about Witches don't you?
Have your car keys in hand and wear track shoes. Also bring a fire extinguisher.
2007-09-25 07:27:22
answer #1
answered by Blue girl in a red state 7
I am a Christian and I am trying to keep an open mind. One of my Nursing Mentors was a "witch" Witch is not the word she used but I'm at a loss for the word right now. Although she did practice the craft.
OK So... I want to help you but there are so many things you did not include in your question.
1. Will you be the only witch there or are others invited as well?
2. Did they tell you that this is an open forum and ask for a debate?
3. Is this a school sponsored event?
4. Why is it so important to prove that you are their friend.
I'm glad that your Christian friend reached out to you but I don't think you will get the results you expect at this meeting. Not to say it's all bad you may accept Jesus, something you did not expect.
Either way I hope ever thing goes well for you
God Bless
2007-10-03 04:59:53
answer #2
answered by staymay 7
Most of the answers you see here should prepare you enough. Some or most Christians like to think that if your are a pagan or a witch then you worship satan. The people in the group will most likely try to convert you. If they cannot do that they are going to try to scare you into converting by telling you that you dont know it but you worship satan and your going to hell. This is just how it is as sad as that is. If you still want to go. go with an open mind. Every religion has some good points to take from it. and Every religion has stuff that you will not agree with. Thats part of having a mind and using it. I would probably say not to try to educate them on why witchcraft and paganism is not evil like they believe. Look at the majority of christian R&S regulars. They have heard the arguments thousands of times. seen the proof millions of times. and Yet a large amount still feel like we worship satan. some people are not willing to open their minds to the possibility that someone else may be right AS WELL. Religion is not a question where one person or one group is 100% right with no questions asked. Not many want to realize that. Good luck
2007-09-25 10:27:48
answer #3
answered by Lorena 4
You need to prepare for a conversion attempt. Some Christian groups are just genuinely nice people, but others--especially organized groups that actually "meet"--are evangelical in nature. Their tactics can range from a hard sell (which doesn't work so well) to a soft sell where you are immersed and quietly assimilated.
If you are intent on your witch craft then you should gird your loins and prepare for a defense. Also, you *do* know that historically witches haven't fared well at the hands of Christians, right?
I can't say it speaks for all Christians, but a friend of mine has recently found Jesus and been born again. He's been working on me for months. He actually told me (for some reason) that he gets credit in heaven if he converts me. I am not making this up.
2007-09-25 07:34:52
answer #4
answered by Peter D 7
You don't have to prepare anything. But there are some things that you should know that the Bible says, which is the authority the Christians base their belief on...
Christians believe:
There is only one God. He has spoken to us through people throughout history who wrote the books of the Bible.
There are other sources of power in this world, but they are all demonic. They may disguise themselves as good or as lesser gods, but if it doesn't come from God then it comes from demons. Demons may allow someone to exert a small amount of control over them and use their power to control things in this world. The Bible calls this witchcraft. Any one who starts out controlling the demonic will in the end be controlled by the demonic. The Bible says that God hates witchcraft. It also says that we should love the sinner but hate the sin. That means that real Christians should show you love but not accept witchcraft as OK.
It also says that we're all sinners and we all let God down, but the only way to be forgiven is through Jesus who paid the penalty of all the wrong we did. So if they take a holier-than-thou attitude, it's not Christian. Real Christians realize that they would be no different if it weren't for the forgiveness and new life and power we receive from Jesus.
Although there is power in witchcraft, it is a lesser power. God's power is infinitely stronger. But as Christians we cannot control God but rather submit to him as Lord and by doing so we have access to experience God's power.
But yeah, you can be their friend. Jesus taught unconditional love, so as a Christian I absolutely have love for you. All that stuff about Old Testament killing witches was negated by Jesus. The Old Testament was primarily written to show people that they couldn't achieve holiness on their own. The New Testament, what Jesus said and the Apostles wrote is really our manual on how to live - to love our neighbor as ourself. I realize that only an encounter with God will convince of what I'm saying. That's what it took for me.
I just wanted you to have some idea of what to expect. Although I can't say that you will be treated in a Christian, loving manner by all those who claim to be Christian. There are some who are just immature and some that aren't really submitted to God who claim to be Christian. Especially true in America. And in high school. So good luck!
2007-09-25 07:48:54
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Pardon my ignorance...and what do you need to prepare for? If your friend invited you, she probably feels the same way as you; that all Christians aren't bad. I wish you the best, I hope the cross information during your discussion will be informative for all. Preparing yourself for an open mind to Chrisitanity is the best advice I can give as a Christian.
2007-09-25 07:47:27
answer #6
answered by Mookie 5
Please prepare yourself for utter & complete frustation. That's most likely all you'll end up with after letting them know about your belief system. You were invited for the simple reason that you are outspoken about your belief in "the Craft" & unless you have vast knowledge under your belt about the similarities between the two systems of believers, then they will have the upper hand & you will leave the meeting bewildered & upset that you ever bothered to walk onto their ground. Prepare for a verbal battle of wits & a possible laying on of hands when & if they decide to "save you from the demons that have been holding your soul captive" by witchcraft & demonic possession. They are clueless & you might be too! It's worth a laugh & the learning experience of how to deal with Christians. Have fun if you possibly can!
2007-09-25 07:43:06
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
I'm a christian and to be honest with you, i don't think that you need to prepare yourself, there is no reason for them to be ugly to you in any way. just sit down and listen to what they believe. Christians don't think that people that practice witchcraft are bad people, they just don't agree with it because the bible preaches against it so strongly, it teaches that it is tools of Satan and by practicing it, no matter your intentions, you are inviting Satan in your life , sometimes without even knowing it. we don't hate the witch, just the craft. everyone sins and makes mistakes, and for a christian to judge someone else who sins, makes them a hypocrite. it's said in the bible to warn others of what they are doing that is wrong, but never to judge them or put them down about it, only god has the authority to judge. i hope you enjoy your first meeting. god bless.
2007-10-03 02:13:52
answer #8
answered by ? 7
I believe you were invited because people are curious. Curious to know if what you practice is real. So be prepared for insults and curious minds. Its not a bad thing to learn something new as far as Christianity. But you have to want it within.
2007-10-03 05:17:36
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Bring a positive attitude, there is nothing wrong with studying/practicing other beliefs simultaneously. After all, the premise some religions are basically the same. It's nice to see some of the so called Christians on this board so quick to burn you though. The "believe what I believe or I'm going to kill you" crap really gets old. I starting to belive it is the Christians themselves creating the Athiest.
2007-09-25 07:37:54
answer #10
answered by Gurungus 3
Read your Holy Bible, Its Gods Holy Word, it will Save your Life. Jesus is the Way the Truth and the Life, no man cometh unto the Father but by me, John 14:6, in other words nobody is going to Heaven unless they believe in Jesus Christ.
2007-10-03 01:52:29
answer #11
answered by victor 7707 7