ALL methods of measurement have KNOWN limits, and mainstream science doesn't measure things outside of these limits.
However creationist pseudo scientists are known to have dishonestly used carbon dating outside of these known limits, or in inappropriate circumstances, in an attempt to seek flaws, limits and misrepresent mainstream science, where such methods are not even used by mainstream scientists.
This is very dishonest of them, and such decietful endevours are easily exposed.
There are many methods other than carbon dating, and there are many methods of carbon dating. When a number of different and independant dating methods are cross referenced and they corroberate, the age is VERIFIED. Now re-read this paragraph.
Creationists must therefore believe that ALL independant dating methods must be flawed if they ALL corroberate, and somehow amazingly ALL independant methods must be EQUALLY flawed if they ALL corroberate.
How could they possibly explain this..?
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