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Religion & Spirituality - 21 May 2007

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Hello there,

I have some questions about Islam, if anyone can help me.

I have heard that apparently Mohammad ate meat less than ten times during his entire life. I would like to know if this is true, and whether or not muslims follow his lead on this or believe that they should? It seems that within Arabic culture, meat is a large part of all meals, but why is this if the above is true? Should muslims either not eat meat or limit their meat like their prophet (may) have done.

Also, when muslims use the word mohammad they usually say or write peace be upon him after his name. Is this a requirement? Would muslims prefer if everyone (muslim or non muslim) used the 'pbuh' after mentioning their prophet's name, or is it something that muslims believe only they should do?

Many thanks :)

2007-05-21 04:00:44 · 10 answers · asked by midsojo 4

2007-05-21 03:59:26 · 6 answers · asked by NotAnotherNickName 2

Is it safe to assume that according to "Christianity" God makes each soul and places it within a baby?

And presumably if God didn't place a soul in a baby there wouldn't be a baby?

And it is well-known that God is omniscient: that he knows all.

So when He makes the soul for a baby, He already knows whether that soul will be going to heaven or not because God knows everything, right?

So what thoughts must go through the mind of God when He's making the soul for a baby whom He -knows- is not going to heaven?

Why would an all-Loving God make such a soul knowing that is to be its fate?

2007-05-21 03:58:17 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

Does he also annoy you by strutting around the way he does on "Deal or no deal?

2007-05-21 03:57:43 · 8 answers · asked by Montgomery B 4

2007-05-21 03:57:37 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous

I saw a book in a bookstore today when will the Parousia (2nd Coming of Jesus Christ) happen. According to this book, that it will happen on 9:00 PM of October 21, 2100. Is this true? Is there anyone who witnessed a Parousian Apparition? How is number 21 related with the bible? Pls. state your theories.

2007-05-21 03:57:22 · 18 answers · asked by Kyle J 6

Imagine that over the course of one year 1 trillion dollars (~10% national income) were given to Christianity in the United States and was exclusively earmarked to be spent on what churches do. Additionally all 275 million people in the US would spent 6 hours a week participating in a Christian church.

a) Remember that ~75% of the US prison population is Christian so the impact on crime would probably be minimal.

b) After examining the budget of three local churches less that 1% of the money could go to helping the poor since in all three cases significantly less than 1% of their budget went to helping the needy. Monies would typically be spent on building churches, Biblical education, hiring church staff etc.

1. What might this produce?

Now imagine the same 1 trillion dollars were spent annually on scientific research and education and that an extra 85.8 billion people hours were used annually for scientific education and research.

2. What might this produce?

2007-05-21 03:55:50 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

Question Details: Last night the History Channel presented a documentary, on scientists weighing in on Global Climate Change, the 2012 predictions as well as current research with the energy that seems to be producing stronger energy currents in the seas of Puerto Rico and the Bermuda Triangle called the *Black Hole*.
Scientists are claiming this situation could be one reason we are starting to experience such drastic weather patterns which possibly might bring upon a global galatic polar shift between 2010 and 2012, they all agree that they have no idea what kind of global disaster this will bring upon human life, although it will be cataclysmic for some parts of the world.

If this is the case do you think this will bring about the Anti-Christ to power, since the world will be in such devastation? Also Kyoto treaty ends in 2012 as its energy-hungry economy is developing fast, they said.

2007-05-21 03:55:22 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

sex before marriage
sex with multiple partners
drinking alcohol, getting drunk
doing drugs or other substances
cheating on an exam
lying to make yourself look better
slapping Christians who ask questions like this

2007-05-21 03:54:26 · 23 answers · asked by Nuff Said Sis 3

My b/f asked me to look for a bible that he thought was called a "moca makita". He didnt know the spelling, so I might be totally off. I googled it, but didnt get any luck. It may be an indian bible. Has anyone heard of it, or of something close to it?

2007-05-21 03:53:43 · 4 answers · asked by SHERRY S 2

2007-05-21 03:52:25 · 25 answers · asked by Bipolar Bear 4

Is your religion not implementing the law of God on not cutting of hair for female members?and why do you insist to wear jewels in your body like the ear rings,bracelets and others jewelries.

2007-05-21 03:52:11 · 11 answers · asked by Jesus M 7


QUESTION: If Christians don't believe in evolution how do you explain dinosaurs (and the fact that they died out due to changing climate) ,fossills, early man and his tools.
Please explain to me because something is not adding up here.

2007-05-21 03:50:31 · 57 answers · asked by Anonymous

My mom told me this weekend that my future stepdad, a lapsed Catholic, responded this way when his son asked, "What religion am I?":

"Your mother's an Episcopalian. I'm a Catholic, but I don't like my church right now. I don't know what you are yet, but if you study and pay attention, you'll find out."

Do you think this answer is helpful, confusing, or something else?

How would you (or have you) answered this question from your child?

2007-05-21 03:47:03 · 9 answers · asked by GreenEyedLilo 7

specially the male members of Jehovah witnesses?

2007-05-21 03:46:15 · 12 answers · asked by Jesus M 7


2007-05-21 03:45:42 · 21 answers · asked by Goddess Nikki 4

2007-05-21 03:44:21 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

Is the a website that explains them without searching each denomination?

2007-05-21 03:40:34 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

Why should homosexuals not be allowed to marry?

Protestants believe that being another religion is a sin and yet muslims, hindus, and satanists can marry.

Is it because homosexuality is a choice? A choice like religion is.

Is religion protected because it is in the constitution? Like equal rights for other races and women was originally, oh wait they weren't.

Will civilization suddenly implode? Because you believe that suddenly all of America will become gay? Will you?

Because marriage is for children? Should those people who do not want children not be allowed to marry?

Because it is a slippery slope? You can say that about different races, religions, ages and nationalities.

Because if this is allowed then the next step is to outlaw speech against gay people like in Sweden and Canada? You mean just like how the KKK can't preach against black people today and you can't preach against Islam.

2007-05-21 03:39:18 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

Didn't get anything the last time I posted. Hopefully, I get something this time. Just anything that a NON-MUSLIM can learn from.


Please state the specific sura and the specific verses and quote them in FULL! I thank you for not being lazy. :)

2007-05-21 03:38:58 · 14 answers · asked by ali 6

why are the stars and galaxies moving away from a central point, as if there were a large explosion?

Scientists all over the world acknowledge that this is happening.

2007-05-21 03:38:04 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

Here is an excerpt:
versione italiana
On May 14, 390, an imperial decree was posted at the Roman hall
of Minerva, a gathering place for actors, writers and artists, which
criminalize for the first time the sexual practice of those whom we
call "homosexual" men -- this had never happened before in the
history of law. The prescribed penalty was death by burning. This law was promulgated by an emperor who at the time was under a penance set by St. Ambrose, the bishop of Milan, and the law was issued in the context of a persecution of heresies. Homosexual men at the imperial court had been powerful opponents of Catholic doctrine during the fourth-century conflicts over the nature of Jesus Christ, known as the Arian controversies.

Prior to 390, both religious and secular laws had targeted only
one particular form of homosexuality: when a man or youth who
otherwise exhibited a virile attraction toward women nonetheless
agreed to or was forced to play a female role.

2007-05-21 03:37:30 · 10 answers · asked by Terry 7

some person claims that he is talking the truth, like me, but such person do not act, speak and write 100% according to truth, but he lives according to truth 90% and his failures are 10%. will you help such person to overcome his mistake and to be pure or you will condemn such person and throw his 90% of good into deep water because of his 10% of mistakes?
what if such person was your child?

2007-05-21 03:37:17 · 12 answers · asked by Suchness 5

I've become so obsessed with the "now". I lost my patience.
There is no reward for patience.

2007-05-21 03:36:59 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

Christians, without giving me any reasons, added details, or anything else, can you answer yes or no to this question?

Do you believe that all unsaved sinners deserve to be tortured in hell for eternity?

2007-05-21 03:33:52 · 29 answers · asked by Anonymous

A lot of people seem criticize evolutionary theory, but point right to the big bang as the thing they disagree with.

Don't they know that the Big Bang theory has nothing at all to do with the theory of evolution? The theory of evolution just explains the changes to life on earth over time. It explains why there were homo sapiens on earth a few hundred thousand years ago, but before that there weren't any. It explains why there are horses now, but there were none up to a few hundred thousand years ago. It explains why dinosaurs existed from about 150,000,000 years ago to about 65,000,000, but not before that period.

Understand? I mean -- jeez. The Big Bang is a theory of the origin of the universe, not a theory of biological evolution.

2007-05-21 03:32:37 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

The last I heard was that it was up to individuals within the congregation. Also that the GB allows people to accept parts of blood, indeed all of the parts of blood seperately, but not all at the same time !!!

2007-05-21 03:30:25 · 10 answers · asked by monno 1

Are they just giving their children an education in the bible and teaching them morality?

Or is it just indoctrination before they have a chance to make a decision for themselves?

2007-05-21 03:30:01 · 30 answers · asked by The Former Kermie 2

If so what do you think of the Doctrine?

2007-05-21 03:28:53 · 6 answers · asked by MOMMYtoJAKES 3

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